Prisoner of Pain

77 2 7

~Danny's P.O.V~

The world stood still. Tucker was motionless and in complete shock while I am about to lose it. Never in my whole life have I been afraid of what Vlad could do, until now. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest was tight, my heart was beating so hard it hurts, and my throat dried up. Just hearing that horrid voice made my blood run cold....he took them. Both of them. Right under my nose...and I couldn't stop him. I promised (Y/N) I wouldn't let anything happen to her again...I failed. She's been through too much and it's all because of me.

I prepare to throw the phone on the ground and smash it to pieces before Tucker yanks it out of my hand just in time. Tucker instantly puts my phone in his pocket for further protection.

"DAMN IT! HE GOT THEM!" I fall to my knees punching the ground. My knuckles burn and bleed. Tucker pulls me by my arm making me stand up.

"Danny, you have to keep it together. We will get them back! We've been through worse!"

"He captured them Tucker! All we wanted was a fun night out with friends, and poor (Y/N) was counting on me! I let her down AGAIN! Why is everything my fault?!" I hiss trying to pull my hair out.

"Stop that! It's not your fault Danny! This was our school formal, how could Vlad be involved?! Wait a minute..."

    Tucker takes out his PDA and types in the sponsor name "Smauslip Dalv Inc.".

"Oh my...Danny look at this. I just unscrambled those words." Tucker says showing me the front of his device. It reads Vlad Plasmius Inc. My fists clench and I bite my lips hard.

"That son of a...!" I turn around and kick over a trio of trashcans. I can feel my eyes turn green and my hands get covered in green ecto energy ready to strike anything I see.

Tucker slaps me right across my face. A force hard enough to cause me to catch my balance. Ecto energy fades and tension is released from my eyes. My cheek stings and my eyes go wide rubbing my now red face. Tucker pulls me up to his face by my tie.


"Danny! Get your shit together! They need you! Now more than ever. Let's move it! Go ghost!" Tucker releases his grip on me and I begin to come to my senses.

"You're right. Thanks Tuck. I'm going ghost!"

With a hard jump off of the ground and two rings covering my body, I'm in my ghost form grabbing Tucker and flying to Fenton Works. Not only am I going to need fast transportation to get to Wisconsin since going through portals is too risky right now...I'm going to need a lot more. I can't risk running into anymore traps or ruining my chances of saving them.

Hang on Sam and (Y/N), I'm coming!

~Your P.O.V~

Beep! Gurgle! Splat! Beep!

Strange sounds surround me. High pitched and annoying. I slowly open my eyes and as soon as I do, I wish I hadn't. Bright lights are everywhere and it irritates my already pounding head. It's very possible my concussion returned...I have had way too many recent head injuries. Where am I?

Looking around, I see I'm in a room that looks like my science class. I see microscopes, beakers, incubator like chambers, green goo filling a lot of them, tables, and more weird looking things. Some moving, some still, some making those noises, and more. Is this some kind of lab? How did I get here? So many questions, and no answers. The last thing I remember was dancing with Danny and looking for Sam and Tucker. What happened?

I attempt to stand up and find the exit, but quickly learn I can't. My arms and legs are bound behind me and attached to a wall. Metal shackles are tightly secured around my wrists and ankles. I'm being held hostage!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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