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~Your P.O.V~

I can't even move. The question on the poster you'd think would fill my heart with joy, broke it instead. Danny went through all this work to give me a proper dance proposal and I don't have the will to explain my feelings. There's nothing more I would like than to be his date, but that would crush Sam.

"I..I..." I'm very weak in the knees.

Danny still remains smiling, oblivious to the truth.

"can't.." I say holding back tears with all my might looking at the floor. I just can't look at him right now.

"W-what?" He says setting the poster down on the floor and walking up to me. "But why not?"

"Danny, I wish I could tell you, but I would be breaking a deal with...a friend." I say wiping my eyes.

"Are you crying?" Danny asks lifting my chin, and letting his blue orbs observe the sea in my pupils. I shake my head not wanting him to see me like this again. I'm so tired of crying. Especially, in front of him.

"(Y/N), please talk to me. What's the matter?

"Let's just say, there's someone else that wants to go with you more, and deserves it more." I say sniffling. "This is all beautiful and it means a lot, but I can't do this to that person. Going with you would destroy them."

"What? Who?" he asks holding onto my shoulders.

"I can't tell you, please forgive me. I want to and would love to, but I don't want to hurt them. No, I won't go with you."

Danny frowns. He never thought you would even consider rejecting him.

"Danny, I'm so sorry. I want to go with you, I just am not able to. Please try to understand."

Danny looks defeated and it's all because of my loyalty to Sam.

"I understand, don't worry about it (Y/N). I uh gotta go patrol the neighborhood. Look for some ghosts to fight." He says changing into Danny Phantom. He begins to floats away from me.

"Danny, please don't leave!"

"See you later." He says phasing through the door.

With his departing words, I fall to my knees sobbing. I take out my phone and snap a picture of all of the decorations and the poster so I can at least have the memory. I blow out all the candles and sit on the floor hugging my knees to my chest. The smoke surrounding me hoping ingesting it would just knock me out. I don't even have the energy to clean this stuff up.


I pull my hair with frustration and scream my lungs out. I don't remember much else after that...just wake up the next morning by my phone alarm still on the floor where he left me.

~Time Skip~

The dreadful day was a twilight zone. I didn't pay attention in class, didn't see Danny, Sam, or Tucker, and my phone was turned off. At lunch, I can't even speak, let alone touch my (lunch of choice). I just stare at it and try to drink some water. I really didn't want to come today at all, I thought about playing hooky, but knew my Aunt would be contacted by the school about my absence and don't want to get in anymore trouble. Nor get her involved.

"What's up, (Y/N)? You're very quiet today." Sam inquires looking at me.

"I don't want to talk about it..." I say rubbing my temples.

"Can't get a date to the dance still?" Tucker questions. Danny buries his face in his hands at that statement. Ouch.


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