Your Past Revealed

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     You're in the backseat of a car with your Mom and Dad. It was a harsh stormy night. The wind blew, thunder cracked, but it didn't bother you in the slightest. You had a wonderful evening with your family. The three of you were on your way home after a nice dinner and a movie. One of your favorite family past times.

"What was your favorite part (Y/N)?" Your Mom asks you.

"Hands down when (anything you like!)." You reply.

"I liked that part too. Say (Y/N), we never really asked you this, but what do you want to be when you get older? What do you want to study in college?"

"I want to (anything you like!) and study (anything you like!)."

"That's great honey. Whatever you want to do, we will support you and be there for you." Your Dad said.

"Just never forget. You can't change the past, but you can change the future. Your future matters." Your Mom said.

"Thanks Mom, I won't forget that."

     You smile. 14 isn't a bad age to think about your future, and with you now starting High School, college is soon to follow. All of the wondrous options you have, and your amazing life ahead came to a halt just like the brake pedal your Dad slammed on; He missed a STOP sign due to the intense rainfall.

     You face plant the front seat with a loud groan. The sound of the car brakes screeching was worse than nails on a chalkboard. Your Mom screams "WATCH OUT!!" as your Dad spins the wheel to prevent crashing into a tree, but collides with another car instead. The other driver T-boned your car head on making your car flip and slide on the pavement upside down.

     For a minute everything goes black and your vision is blurry. A warm liquid drains down your forehead and shards of glass lay across your arm. A hot, stinging, piercing feeling takes over your right side. Blood oozes down to your fingers and you were in total shock. You lay upside down still with your seat belt still on and your adrenaline masked most of the pain. But coming to the realization of what just happened, you panic.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" You release a blood curdling scream that could be heard for miles.

     Clicking and yanking the seat belt off of your torso, your back slightly falls to the roof of the car, now crawling through the busted window onto the wet, slippery road. You cry as your head burns and bleeds. Your arm pulses intensely with shards of glass still hanging out too scared to pull them out and bleed profusely. Switching arms carefully bear crawling left to right, left, right, crying out each time you do. Hoisting yourself up into a sitting instantly wishing you hadn't.

     Right before your tear soaked eyes, was the most horrific sight a 14 year old could see. Your parents...hanging upside down sitting in their seats, covered in blood. Glass in their faces, a gash or two in various places, eyes closed, and not moving...they were dead.

You were alone.


     Your stomach releases it's content in a hot bile form. Your chest squeezing each time you heave. The pouring rain washes away your vomit and slightly cleans the blood off of you. Hugging your stomach with your not as damaged arm, you gather strength to crawl some more to the other car where the driver there has also perished. Head laying on the wheel motionless.

     They were were the only one who survived the accident. Your phone remained in your pocket cracked screen and all but luckily still operable. You dial 911 and can't even say what happened. Just your wails can be heard from the other line and "We're tracking your location, Hang tight."

     Within minutes, sirens are heard, red and blue lights cloud your vision, and footsteps run toward you.

     With another scream you jolt awake gasping for air. Trying to catch your breath and clutching your chest. Tears spill from your eyes and fall onto your sweaty hot neck.

"It's okay! You're okay (Y/N)!"

     Instantly, you were retrained but not by a seat belt. They were human arms. Allowing the soft embrace around you to calm you down, you realize you're in your new room and those arms belonged to Danny. It was a dream?

No. It wasn't.

It was a memory.

Your past. Exactly 2 months ago.

"You're safe now. Breathe."

"D-Danny? W-what are you doing here?" You say coughing and wiping your tears away. Danny let's you go and sits in a chair next to your bedside. How long has he been there?

"I was worried (Y/N). I had to make sure you were safe. It's a good thing I did because you weren't. After I ran to get help, I came back to find you. Once the ghost was gone, you weren't here like I hoped. I found you around the side by the trash..."

It started to come back to you. Skulker, the blocked door, another ghost defending you. Everything.

"Thank you Danny...I was so scared!"

"I don't doubt it. I just had to help...but...never mind." Danny says letting his head fall.

"I was trapped outside. I couldn't get in because of this energy field thing. I got electrocuted touching it. did you get inside your house then to get help?"

"I didn't."

"What?" You say confused.

"I never actually made it to Fenton Works. I didn't make it there in time. My door was blocked too. I hid in my backyard." He said.

You were starting to get suspicious.

"How do you feel? You don't look so good (Y/N) have had a rough day...all because of me. I'm terribly sorry..." Danny starts to cry and your eyes widen. You wrap your arms around him.

"No! Don't cry! It's okay Danny! I told you to stop apologizing." You say trying to comfort him.

"I know we just met and everything but I have been nothing but trouble for you. All I want is to start over. I never meant to hit you with my locker, get you caught up in this ghost mess, and more."

"Danny...I already had a concussion, the locker thing just irritated it. The ghost fighting in our neighborhood had nothing to do with you either. You said so yourself, it's common around here. I'm just new to it."

Danny was silent for a few moments. He knew he was responsible but couldn't explain to her why. At least not yet...

"I made you black out (Y/N). I thought I put you in a coma." He admits.

"Well it would be a lie if I said felt good...I really don't. My head is killing me, I feel sick, and I hoped to have an easy first day at school. But, I was actually saved today...there was this other ghost with the one he called 'Skulker'."

Danny raised an eye brow and looked at her intently.

"What happened?" He asked.

You quickly explain all the events. Danny nods.

"That had be the hero of Amity Park."

"Hero?" You question.

"Yes. Danny Phantom."

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