Ghosts Are Real?!

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"Get inside! Run (Y/N)! I'll get help!" Danny shouts running towards his own home. In a matter of seconds he vanished. You didn't even see him turn a corner! He's fast!

     Understood! No time for questions right now. You run up the stairs to get to your front door to see it covered in a weird green energy field.

"What's this?!" You turn and see all the house front doors in the neighborhood are blocked by the same thing yours is. One after another they appear.

"Maybe I can break through it!" You say hopeful.

     Taking the chance, you attempt to bodyslam into the shield only to be faced with painful electrocution. You scream in pain as you smell your own burned flesh, falling to the ground with a thud.


That hurt! Today was just not your day. That energy field is strong. No one can get in or out.

     Hovering in the distance was a robotic looking figure with fiery green hair and armor. What is THAT thing?! A ghost?

     The mysterious floating being shoots laser beams from these mini guns that appear from his arms destroying street lights, fire hydrants, and any person in sight. Just barely missing a civilian down the street, he releases a loud evil laugh proud of his work.

"Fear me humans and feel my wrath against your kind!" He bellows shooting more laser beams.

I can't get in. He's attacking everything too! My best bet at this point is to hide!

     Taking your own advice, you run down the stairs and crawl underneath your neighbor's car doing your best not to get noticed. All you can see and hear are more screams and violent destruction of the neighborhood. Fire consumes cars, smoke lingers like a fog, and rubble from houses begin to fall. This is not how you imagined your new life would be.

     Something heavy lands in the middle of the street leaving a crater in the pavement. Staying as still and quiet as possible, you get a glimpse of black combat boots turning and face your direction.

"Looks like I missed one! Better end strong." It says now approaching your hiding spot.

NO, NO, NO! There's no where else for me to go!

     The car above you disappears and you are completely exposed. You look up still laying on the ground and gasp. The ghostly hunter holds the car above his head looking down on you.

"Ah, another human. Guess I missed two." he snickers. "Prepare to die human girl!"

"No!" You yell attempting to shield yourself with your arms preparing for your demise.

"Get away from her Skulker!" A voice orders in he distance.

"Huh?" You say slightly dropping your arms looking around.

     Before you appears a handsome ghost at full speed towards your attacker. He has silver hair, bright green eyes, and a heroic personality.

Who's that?!

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"There you are ghost child! What took you so long?" He asks him.

This angers the ghost boy and he clenches his fists now being surrounded by green energy.

"Leave her alone!" He yells shooting a large energy beam at him.

     Skulker dodges it and fires small missles at the ghost boy. The ghost boy turns intangible evading his attack. They continue fighting and you finally crawl and hide behind your Aunt's trashcan. You couldn't do anything to help and your head started throbbing again. There was too much light, loud crashes, and smoke entering your lungs.

     Coughing out as much as you can, you sit and hug your knees together covering your head. You weren't going to last much longer. You can't even bare to witness that horribe event happening aymore.

"I've had it with you today Skulker! Get out of my town and into my Thermos!" You hear him yell on top of more metal clashing and minor explosions.

     You surprress the urge to vomit from your nauscousness and fall over once again losing your will to stay concscious.

     Danny fights Skulker until he bleeds and tricks him into the Fenton Thermos. The green energy fields blocking the house's doors disappeared after Skulker was sealed away and the smoke began to fade. No one was around at this point. They either got to safety in time, or were passed out on the ground with people now able to leave their houses and help the wounded. This sickened's his job to prevent this. He couldn't stop the destruction or rescue everyone. Regret and shame consumed him.

     He was glad it was over, but it wasn't really over. Where you were was his biggest concern. Danny frantically flies throughout the neighborhood. He didn't even care about having to explain how he knew your name later on or who saw him and blamed him.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Where are you?!" Danny cries.

     Danny heads back to your house and finds your near lifeless body on the cold hard ground. Danny practically falls apart. His knees went weak, his blood boiled with rage, and felt like a failure. He kneels down to you and picks you up.

"What have I done?"

     Danny goes intangible and flies into what he believes is your bedroom. He carries your fragile body bridal style and lays you down on your soft bed.

"I just keep screwing everything up...I'm so sorry (Y/N). I just can't keep you safe." Danny says with tears in his eyes then flies out of your house.

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