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"Come on! Hurry!" Sam says looking for cover.

     Not a moment too soon, the clouds turned darker, and thunder boomed in the sky. Rain begins to pour at a disastrous rate. Hard gusts of wind blow back your now drenched locks. PTSD starts to kick in when you remember that fateful night you lost your parents. You do your best to not think of it and get out of the storm. But deep down, you were scared out of your mind!

"There!" Tucker says pointing to a pavilion in the park.

"That's our only cover for now!" Sam says.

     She was right. You were too far from school now, nowhere near your house or Fenton Works, and not even any stores around to seek refuge inside. Just an open road and the local park. As your last resort, the three of you run under the pavilion kneeling on the ground behind a pillar. The street begins to flood and lightning flashes.

"What's happening?! Hurricanes don't just randomly happen that quick! Where did this come from?!" You yell over the wind.

"It was me!" Bellowed a voice above you. The roof that was your shelter was now destroyed by a lighting bolt. Debris falls and shakes the ground beneath you.

"Move!" You say pulling Sam and Tucker away from the falling rubble. You all jump away before anything could fall on you landing on your stomachs with a thud. Your chins scrape the ground and grunt on the landing.

"! Next time leave me in detention!" You complain. 

"I, Vortex, am back with a storm of doom! There's nowhere left to hide pathetic humans! I am the perfect storm!"

"Get away from them!" Calls a voice.


Looking up is the same ghost boy from the other day charging straight into Vortex.

"Is that Danny Phantom?" You say standing and helping up your friends.

"Yeah, that's him." Tucker says.

"We have to help him. Get the thermos!"

"Help him? Thermos?" You say looking around for a new hiding place. 

Danny shoves Vortex into a tree. Danny shoots ecto energy at him but misses. Tucker gets the thermos and runs towards Vortex from behind.

"Big mistake! Just where I want you!" Vortex says grabbing Danny by the shoulders, turning round around pinning him against the thick tree trunk.

     Vortex sends another lighting bolt directly to the tree electrocuting Danny. The force was so strong you and Sam covered your heads and barely missed you! The strike caused Tucker to get flown back a yard.

"AHHHHH!!!!" Danny cries in agony.

"No! Danny! Tucker!" You say helpless. All you can do at this point is witness miserably.

     You and Sam run to Tucker's aide. He looks okay, so you picked him up. Steam surrounds Danny and Vortex throws him through the standing pavilion pillars. Danny flies off from them facing Vortex.

"You okay?" You ask Tucker looking him over for any unnoticed injuries.

"I'm good, we gotta get him in here fast!" Tucker advises.

"I do not have the patience for this!" Danny takes a deep breath and releases a strong, loud, wail. Multiple green circles escape his mouth along with an eerie, ghostly sound.

"The ghostly wail! Cover your ears!" Sam says.

     You all do so. The ghostly wail felt so powerful, the ground was shaking, and you could feel the hard wavelengths. Trees fell over, there was nothing left of the pavilion at all now, and of course Vortex was sent flying. Tucker runs up underneath Vortex activating the Fenton Thermos sucking him in.

"You haven't seen the last of me! my storm is eternallll!" Vortex yells being whisked away.

     Tuckers caps the thermos proudly and Sam begins to breathe calmly again. Wow, so that's what that thing does. The rain stops, the Sun reappears, the clouds and wind clear up, and the flood enters the sewers at a quick rate. Danny begins to conclude his ghostly wail and it was clear that took a lot out of him. He tries to catch his breath but instead loses his flight ability and falls to all fours.

     With his landing, two rings form around the center of his body moving in opposite directions. What you saw was was your crush, Danny Fenton.

     Danny closes his eyes, clinging on to consciousness, feeling very weak. Sam and Tucker gasp realizing what's to come. He lifts his head to now see a very shocked and confused (Y/N). He went from exhausted to mortified in a split second.

"Oh no..." was all the teenage boy could muster. Fear consuming his system.

"No're Danny Phantom?" you ask trying to control your emotions.

Danny was speechless. Bowing his head in remorse. 

He was busted.

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