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     Sam and Tucker knew how Danny was feeling, it was their secret too. But the cat's out of the bag now. She saw it and there was no excusing it. Sam and Tucker look at each other knowing you were apart of Team Phantom eventually. Danny remains on the ground in shame.

"You've been lying to me?" You ask standing up. It took you a minute to get feeling back in your legs. You were stunned.

"I wanted to tell you but..I.." Danny says not meeting your eyes standing up from all fours.

"But what?" You hiss.

"We can't tell anyone. Danny got these powers by a freak accident at Fenton Works. If people found out, he would probably be killed. Maybe by his own parents!" Sam defends.

"Only us and his sister Jazz know. Amity park knows about Danny Phantom, but not that it's him." Tucker adds handing Danny the thermos.

"I understand were the one who saved me. The one I've been hoping to find and thank. And now I understand why all these bad things have happened to me. The ghost attack in our neighborhood, this one here, how I got to the Nurse, how you randomly appear and disappear, how Lancer suddenly released me from detention no questions asked. I'm not mad I'm just...not mentally stable for this right now." You saw face faltering in dismay.

Danny bows his head once more.

"Words can't even express how sorry I am." Danny says.

"I...I gotta go...excuse me." You say picking up your soaking wet backpack and walk home.

"(Y/N), Please don't go!" Danny pleads.

"Wait!" Tucker yells.

"Come back!" Sam says.

You keep walking not even looking back.

~Your P.O.V!~

     My head is spinning even more than usual. This whole time, it was him. The one who I was glad to become friends with after moving to a new place and going to a new school, turned out to be hiding his identity from me. I know he meant no harm, but it seems ever since I met him nothing but trouble has happened.

     This is just too much...too much mental strain. I don't even realize how long it took me to get home. It felt as if time didn't pass and I was just in a dream...hoping I actually was. I open the door and head straight to my room. As usual, my Aunt is at work and I'm alone.

     I take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, and put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. My head is still healing from the accident, and stress will not help anything. I close my curtains, crawl into bed, and rub my temples. My phone keeps going off and I already know who it is.

Danny: (Y/N), are you okay?

Danny: Did you get home safe?

Danny: I'm really sorry for everything.

Danny: We're all worried about you.

Danny: Please answer me, say something!

Danny: Hello?

I don't have the energy to talk to him right now. I turn off my phone and prepare to go to sleep.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's really cool that he's Danny Phantom but that complicates soooo much. Even though it wasn't on purpose, he's been getting me in a ton of trouble lately and I can't risk getting in anymore. He made my concussion recovery much longer, I missed school because of him, and I got detention and grounded defending him from Dash.


     He saved me from Skulker and Vortex, comforted me when I needed someone, he helped break me out of detention, introduced me to his gang, and became a very good friend I look forward to seeing everyday. But worst and complicated of all...

He made me fall in love with him.

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