Presents and Pizza

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~Your P.O.V~

I hurry home right after school. Literally nothing can ruin my mood. Danny and I are going to the dance together, Sam isn't mad, and we're going shopping today to prepare for it. I for sure need some retail therapy for what's been going on and with my Aunt being out of town, this is even more beneficial.

     My phone goes off. It's Danny.

Danny: Hey, can you do me a favor?

(Y/N): Hey! Of course, shoot.

Danny: I thought what Sam did today was very noble. And I feel a bit guilty not realizing her feelings all these years. I want to do something nice for her. But I need your help. Are you in?

(Y/N): Yes, I'm in! What can I do to help?

Danny: Can you do some digging and find out what color dress she's wearing? I'm assuming black knowing her, but want to be sure. I have an idea.

(Y/N): Consider it done. :)

Danny: Nice! Thanks! :)

I drop my backpack off in my room and change into something a bit more comfortable knowing I'll be trying on tons of dresses and shoes. A pair of leggings, sandals, and a casual tee do the trick. My phone goes off again not too long after.

Sam: Pulling up in about 3 minutes! Please be waiting outside.

(Y/N): Cool! Will do!

I grab my keys and small crossbody purse and exit my house locking the door behind me. I stand outside keeping an eye out for Sam's car even though I have no idea what it looks like. She didn't mention that part. But my car anticipation is completely thrown out the window when I don't see a car stop in front of me...there's a freaking limo instead!

What. Is. This?

      The back window rolls down and Sam's head is revealed on the other side. She turns to me looking confused.

"You getting in, or what?" Sam asks.

"Girl, you said nothing about a limo!" I exclaim.

"Oh yeah, my bad. Sorry it's my family's."

"And you walk to school?! You're insane!" I say.

"Well, I try to hide the fact that my family is rich remember? And when say the weather is bad, I get dropped off in this about a block away from campus, then walk the rest of the way. My parents don't know that though."

"And you don't offer us limo rides? Not that it's my business, just wondering."

"Danny flies, sometimes with you, and Tucker insists on taking the bus to flirt with the girls." Sam explains.

"Okay, fair enough. That makes sense. But sweet! Let's go!" I say walking around to the other side with the driver opening the door for me and getting inside.



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