Meeting the Trio

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     Lunchtime was filled with it's normal antics. The occasional throw of food, lunch ladies complaining that they don't get paid enough for making indigestible slop, and loud noises of various students. Danny, Tucker, and Sam sit at their usual table. Turns out, Tucker missed the bus and Sam got held up refusing to wear the pink girly clothes her Mom wanted her to wear. Danny rants about running into Skulker pissing him off on his morning flight to school.

But that wasn't what was really on his mind. You were.

"What's wrong Danny? Was Skulker that bad?" Sam asks.

"Yeah dude, you seem distracted. Did Paulina reject you again?" Tucker teases.

"No! None of that! I just feel pretty bad. I put a girl in the Nurse's office. And on her first day too!" Danny says resting his head in his hand, hardly touching his lunch.

"There are better ways to pick up girls man." Tucker says. Danny just rolls his eyes.

"What happened? Ghost powers mishap?" Sam asks curiously.

"I was so mad and annoyed by running into Skulker on my way here this morning, that I slammed my locker open and it hit her in the head. She fell to the floor clearly in pain and said she just got over a concussion. I might have made her relapse and she passed out in my arms. I felt so bad and still do."

"Dang dude! Did you apologize?" Tucker asked.

"Of course I did! She said she was fine but she defiantly wasn't. Her pupils were large, slurred speech and all. She could be in a coma now and it's all my fault. I could also get detention making me feel worse. Even the Nurse looked worried...I didn't tell her it was me though." He says defeated.

"What did she look like? Maybe we can find her and make it up to her?" Tucker questioned.

"(hair/length), (hair/color) hair, (eye/color) eyes, (your race). Very pretty if I'm being honest. I checked in our her through the ceiling last period, but she still wasn't awake." He answered.

"Is that her? She doesn't look familiar but looks like she got hit in the head..." Sam asks pointing in the direction of the cafeteria entrance.

Tucker and Danny turn around form their table and see you. Your head has a bandage and you were taking in your surroundings once more. You begin to make your way to the lunch line.

"That's her alright. Excuse me for a second." He says quickly running up to her leaving his friend's behind.

"Whoa, she is pretty! I wonder if she's single. You jealous?" Tucker asks Sam.

"No. I don't care." Sam says flicking some of her salad at him. Knowing full well she has had a crush on Danny for the longest time.

Danny catches up to you and smiles.

"Hey (Y/N), Glad you're awake. How's your head? Your eyes got smaller. I really am sorry..." Danny says.

"Hey Danny! It's nice to see you. I'm hanging in hurts. The bleeding stopped and the Nurse said if I rest and keep taking my medications, I'll be alright. No relapse." You say respectfully.

"That's good. I'm surprised you're even here. I thought you would have been sent home." Danny said scratching his head.

"She tried to, but I begged her to let me finish the day...I really don't want to go home right now."

Your response raises Danny's eyebrows and concern. Why would she not want to go home especially with a busted head? But your toughness impressed him!

"Besides it's already lunch time, only a few hours left. Just no more hitting me with your locker okay?" You say smirking trying to lighten the mood.

"You got it. Listen, I uh want to make it up to you. Can I pay for your lunch? I would like to invite you to my table too." He offers sincerely.

"Awww Danny, that's very kind. I'm just getting a (favorite snack), and a (favorite drink) though. I've been struggling with nausea since my concussion but need to keep up my strength. Not much of an appetite lately." You answer honestly.

Danny frowns at this, he clearly did not help.

"Sorry to hear, that sucks. But that's fine. Please allow me." Danny says taking out his wallet.

"Well alright then. Thanks!" You say grateful.

     The two of you make it through the lunch line and get what you wanted. You blush and smile at his kindness. He didn't have to do this, and you knew it was an accident, but you appreciated it nonetheless. What a gentleman!

"Please come with me." He gestures with a following wave.

     You nod and do so. He leads you to a table with a boy in a red beret and glasses and a goth girl. Danny returns to his seat and you sit down next to him.

"Guys, this is (Y/N). (Y/N) guys." Danny says with hand motions.

You laugh at this setting down your backpack.

"I'm Sam. Sam Manson." Sam says devouring her salad.

"I'm Tucker. Tucker Foley! Nice to meet-cha!" He says.

"Likewise. (F/N) (L/N)."

"How are you feeling? Danny told us what happened." Tucker asks while Danny gives him wide eyes.

"A bit sore and a little nauseous. I have lingering symptoms from a recent concussion. Light is a bit irritating too. But really it's alright Danny. Please don't be too hard on yourself. I told the Nurse I tripped and hit my head. Though I don't recall going to the nurse. " You say.

     You always were a very forgiving person. But you knew how you got there. The Nurse confirmed Danny carried you there, but wanted to see his reaction. Danny acted like nothing happened. You take a few bites of your snack hoping your stomach allows it's contents.

"Hope you feel better soon. Points for being a trooper though." Sam says. You smile thankfully.

"You're new here right? Did you move or something?" Tucker says playing with his PDA. Danny finally eats his lunch but pays close attention to you. He really wants to hear your answers.

"Yeah, I just moved into Amity park with my Aunt a few weeks ago."

"Do you have any siblings?" Danny asks.

"No, just me."

"What about your parent's?" Tucker asks.

     You pause for a moment. Almost like you're in a sad trance. Just hearing the words "parents" triggers you even though they're just trying to be nice and get to know you. The world stood still, time did not pass, and awful memories return to you.

"Not anymore..."

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