Walking Home

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      The subject was dropped after your response. Actually, the whole conversation was. However, you could cut the tension with a knife! Danny's wide eyes got even wider if that was even possible, Sam looked up from her salad surprised, and Tucker looked very uncomfortable. Given he was the one who asked in the first place.

     You scarf down the rest of your snack and chug your drink. You then stand up and grab your backpack.

"I'm sorry, I've gotta go. It was nice meeting you guys and thanks again Danny." You say heading to the exit tossing your trash in the trashcan nearby.

"Wait! (Y/N)! Don't..." Danny said standing up.

But it was too late, you were already out the door holding back tears.

"Jeez, now I  feel bad." Tucker says with guilt.

"Sensitive much?" Sam scowls.

"No Sam, I don't think she is. I think something bad happened to her that she's not telling us. I know we just met, but look at the facts. Recent concussion, doesn't have parents 'anymore', new girl that just moved here?" Danny remarks.

"You're right, that was harsh of me. But I agree. Something is up." Sam says.

"I think she needs a real friend." Tucker suggests.

"I agree, she's nice too. Aside from me owing her, she's cool. Let's try to get to know her without the personal questions." Danny says.

"Yeah, noted." Tucker says putting the note into his PDA.

     The trio continued to finish their lunches before the bell. Danny couldn't help but be worried about you still. What happened to her?

~Time Skip~

     School is over and boy were you relieved. You managed to attend your final classes after lunch without completely losing your mind. Literally and figuratively. However, you also felt disappointed. School wasn't where you wanted to be, but you would rather be anywhere else than home. Even after the crappy first day you had.

Do I really have to just yet?

     No, you don't. Curfew isn't until 9:00 and it was only 3:30. But, due to your head injury you still weren't feeling too well. The Nurse was right, you should  have been sent home to recover. You sigh and head to your locker since you didn't get the chance to open it this morning.

There you find your locker but it was slightly open.

"How did this get opened?" You ask aloud.

"It was me." Your turn to your side and see the locker man himself, Danny.

"Oh, of course." You say.

"I left it open for you since I kinda made that not happen this morning. Your combination was already complete. Anyway, sorry if we upset you earlier, we didn't mean to."

"Oh no, it's fine. Sorry to just walk away like that...I'm still not feeling well." You partially admit.

"Can..I escort you home?"


"I don't live far from here and most of the time I...walk." Danny giggles quickly covers his true mode of transportation.

"You don't even know where I live." You point out finally opening your locker and putting books and essentials inside.

"I don't have to if you show me."

Fair point. You nod and close your locker.

"I um...yeah, I guess you can."

"Why so disappointed? I'm not that bad am I?" He asks feelings slightly hurt.

"No no! It's nothing like that! I'm just dealing with some stuff right now and 'home' isn't my ideal place to go currently. But I really should get some rest. My head is killing me."

"I understand. Shall we go?" Danny wants to know what's bothering so much, but doesn't want to risk upsetting you again.

"Yeah." You say following him out of the building. You can't help but wonder why he insists on escorting you home. Man, he must really feel bad for hurting you.

"Where's Tucker and Sam?" You ask walking down the entrance stairs.

"They stayed in the Library to work on a project for Lancer's class. I might be seeing them later though." He says thinking about ghost patroling tonight.

     You and Danny walked for a while. He seems like a very sweet kid, and it was nice to have someone to talk to after leaving all of your friends behind after moving.

"This is my neighborhood." You tell him as his jaw practically drops on the ground.

"No way, this is my neighborhood! I live at Fenton Works right over there." Danny said pointing to a house that stands out from all the rest just down the street.

"Oh wow, nice place."

"Thanks my parent's are ghost hunter's and that's the Emergency Ops Center on top."

"Interesting, but ghosts?"

"Yeah, ghosts, You know they're real right?" He asks adjusting his backpack.

"Uh...no? I know I'm from out of town, possible brain damage too, but not from another planet! Plus I've visited my Aunt here many times and never seen such a thing." You say.

"Give it time." He said winking.

     Is this guy crazy? Ghosts don't exist, let alone a family of hunter's that live in a house that looks like a UFO is on top. But even if he is crazy, he's still very attractive. You reach the front of your Aunt's house, your new home, and stop.

"Thanks for walking me home. I appreciate that. This is where I live now." You say gesturing to the house behind you.

"You're welcome (Y/N). You know where to find me if you need anything. Again, I'm very sorry for what happened today."

"Stop apologizing, it's alright. Can I see your phone?" You ask politely.

He blushes and stands still for a minute shocked at what you just asked him. He then shrugs and takes his phone out of his pocket setting it in your hand. There it is again...his soft touch. The one that sets your soul on fire. You smile and add yourself as a contact.

"I put my number in, hope that's okay. That way you can get ahold of me."

"Awesome, thanks! I mean, cool." He quickly puts him phone back. You laugh at his reaction.

"I'm going to head in, I'm starting to feel nauseous again...too much light and movement. Bye Danny."

"See y-" Danny's sentence is interrupted by a blue fog like substance escaping from his mouth.

     What was that? You saw this but before you began to ask what that was or if he was okay, the sound of screams fill your ears, and smoke cloud your eyes. People are running away from your direction, you hear catastrophic explosions and an evil laughter echoing in the sky. Harsh winds pick up blowing back your (hair color) locks and you cover your eyes from debris.

"What's going on?!" You shout over the wind.

"You're about to believe in ghosts, and encounter your first Amity Park ghost attack! Run!" Danny barks.

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