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~3 Days Later~

     Days pass, but nothing else changes. Danny, Sam, and Tucker have been blowing up your phone, you're still grounded, you've been avoiding them at school and eating lunch alone, Dash walked around with a black eye and broken nose, and you were not even trying to associate with the trio. Your days have been boring, just school, sleep, repeat. Maybe a cry in there a few times...

     You finish your school day and head up to your room. Throwing your backpack on the floor annoyed, having no motivation to do homework. Little did you know, Danny has been feeling just as sad as you were. Danny has been skipping out on homework more than usual, ignoring the Box Ghost rather than just sealing him away, and even quiet around Sam and Tucker.

     You sit at your desk with a sigh looking at the picture frame of you and your parents on your last family vacation. Their smiles matched yours, happiness glowed, and deeply wishing you can just get a hug from them right now.

     Getting up and picking up the frame, tears spill from your eyes and onto the glass. You hug the picture close to your chest.

"Your future matters."

"Your future matters."

"Your future matters."

"My 'future' is horrible and so is the present...I know it's not what you would have wanted...I'm so sorry I failed you!" You drop the frame and let your body go with it. You weep and punch the carpet floor releasing all of your built up rage.

     Peeking through and knocking on your window is Danny Phantom. Shocked at what he was seeing, he goes intangible though your wall allowing himself to enter. He floats over to you holding your shoulders facing him.

"(Y/N)! WHAT'S WRONG?!" he asks scared.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" You say trying to shake him off.

"No! I'm not going anywhere!"

"I don't want to talk to you! Leave Danny!" You scream trying to push him away with your arms. Danny sighs. Seeing you so upset mortifies him.

"(Y/N), can we please talk?" he begs.

"About what?! About how you have been nothing but bad news for me? How forgiving and understanding I've been and getting no gratitude in return?! If you want to talk then for once Danny l tell me the truth!" You yell with tears rolling down your cheeks.

     Your attitude and rage shocks Danny. He knew he messed up but he also knew you didn't know his feelings. To show his sincerity, he changes back to Danny Fenton. Danny takes your hands in his. This helps calm your breathing.

"(Y/N)...I don't know what you want me to say. Having these powers is cool, but it's also stressful, dangerous, and even miserable. Do you know how much it hurts to hide my secret identity from my friends? Let alone my parents? Knowing I have to lie to my parents so they don't murder me being their primary target?  Lack self care and responsibilities because I have to miss school, stay up late to do homework and study due to fighting ghosts all night, or struggle to sleep at night due to injuries I've got from those fights? My bandaged arms days ago for example. It's a lot you don't think about and I've been doing everything I can to protect you. behind the scenes."

     You listen intently. You can hear in his voice that he's holding back tears. That is a lot to carry at just 14 years old. You having parents that died is almost just as bad as having parents wanting to kill you not realizing it's their own son. Brutal.

"I was the one who overshadowed Lancer to let you go. The one who opened your locker and left it that way with my ghost powers to help you out. The one who fought off those ghosts trying to avoid you getting hurt. I know I've messed up a few times, but I just want you to know I care about you a lot and really do appreciate you." Danny mentions.

More tears fall from your eyes, but this time happy ones. You needed to hear that from him.

"That's what I wanted to tell you at our lockers. To properly thank you and let you know, I'll always be there for you and protect you." Danny says squeezing your hands tighter with a warm smile.

"Thank you Danny...so much." You say hugging him.

"You're welcome. Enough about me though. Why are you crying?" He says helping you stand up.

You gaze at the picture frame on the floor and frown.

"Do you remember when I said I don't have parents anymore?"

"Yeah." He replys.

"Well, they died in a car accident two moths ago. It was raining really bad and my Dad missed a STOP sign. The car slid, got t-boned by another driver, the car flipped, and I was the only survivor. I was in the hospital for a while after. My Aunt took me in after the funeral but she's never really home, so I get even more lonely. It's been really hard since...I really miss them Danny." you say choking back sobs.

     You go into all of the horrid details of that night. Danny looked both horrified and sympathetic. He couldn't even imagine going through something that traumatizing. Danny gives you the biggest and most sincere hug.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N). I had no idea." He says.

"Thanks...I'm sorry too I just am in a very dark place right now."

"I get it now. I promise to never let my ghost half cause you anymore pain." Danny says.

"Can you really promise that?"

"YES. Over my human dead body." He says glaring into your (eye/color) eyes.

Your crying turns into laughter at that statement. You wipe away your tears.

"Okay, okay, that was good."

"Glad I could make you laugh. So are you afraid of heights?" Danny asks.

"No, why?"

"Wanna go for a ride?"

"Flying?" You said eyebrows raised. That sounds fun!

"Oh, yes. I'm going ghost!"

For the first time ever, you see Danny transform after saying his iconic battle cry. It was amazing to watch!

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"Wow, that was really cool!"

"Thanks!" He said picking you up bridal style. "Now hold on tight!"

     You blush slightly wrapping your arms around his neck. With a single and swift bound, Danny flies out of your window and into the best view of Amity Park. The entire time, he gave you a tour of the city, told you his ghost fighting stories, and showed you the most beautiful sights.

The best sight you saw was easily him. You could get used to this!

The New Girl in Town (Danny Phantom X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now