Sudden Surprises

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~Your P.O.V~

The flight with Danny was incredible. By far, the most fun thing I've ever done. I still had that fear in the back of my mind that a ghost would show up to fight him, but thankfully that didn't happen. It was a major stress reliever and the perfect way to cheer me up.

After getting ready for school, I walk downstairs to get where normally my Aunt and I have breakfast together and actually get a chance to talk. She works so much I really don't see her as much as I would like to. But as an Executive in the Financial Field, I understand. There's so many times I see her working on her computer even at home. To my surprise, she isn't there and there is nothing cooking or coffee being made. That's unusual...

Getting to the fridge, I see a note with an envelope taped to it. My name was written on top. I grab it and open it.


Sorry this is such short notice. A lot has been going on at work. I know I haven't been around too much, and I apologize for that too. I was unexpectedly ordered to go on a business trip starting today, so I caught a flight early this morning. I'll be back in a week. Here's $150 for food and anything else you might need. Your neighbors are here for you also, don't hesitate to reach out if you need something. See you soon!


Aunt (name)

I nearly dropped the paper. I love my Aunt and understand she has a higher up position at her job, but this was a curveball I really did not need. After losing my parents just a couple months ago and hardly seeing her as is, I can't help but feel lonesome and annoyed. I've been left home alone several times by my parents, and given money or food, so I'm not worried about that part. But with everything going on, I'm not happy.

I shove the note and money into my backpack not wanting to deal with it right now. Out of sight out of mind. I open the fridge and make a quick bowl of (favorite cereal) and (favorite breakfast drink). I also take my vitamins and concussion medications. I sit and eat while going through my phone trying to distract myself.

Before I know it, it's time for me to go. I put everything away, grab my backpack and head out. Walking down the stairs, I'm met with a familiar face at the bottom. Danny.

"Good Morning (Y/N)." He says.

"Good Morning." I say back.

"Are you alright? You look bothered by something."

"My Aunt's gone. Left on a business trip I knew nothing about and won't be back for a week." I tell him.

"Ouch, sorry to hear. She'll be back though."

"Yeah. Guess I'm technically ungrounded then since she won't know where I am or what I'm doing...I only had 3 days left." I say.

"Very true. But anyway, I thought I could take you to school."

"Come on, Danny. We're too young to drive and you don't have a car." I point out. He just laughs.

"Who said anything about driving?" He says winking at me.

"Oh right! Really?"

"Of course! Be right back. I'm going ghost!" he says running to the alley in between my house and neighbor's.

I see a brief flash of light and around the corner appears the ghost boy I know all too well. I smile at him. He really does now how to cheer me up.

"Let's go." He says extending his arms out to me.

"With pleasure." I saw wrapping my arms around his neck and letting him catch my legs. "Onward!" I say.

Danny laughs then starts flying. The breeze blows my hair back and caresses my skin. Large objects begin to get smaller and the Sun is rising. As Danny keeps his focus forward, mine is on him. His gentle touch, his adorable face, and glowing green eyes. I could stare at him all day but that would be very awkward...

Casper High appears just in the distance and Danny begins to descend to a building nearby to change back to his human form, then walk the rest of the way with me. Just that small act of kindness turned my day around. With another flash of light, returns my dearest friend, jeans and all.

"Thanks again, that was really fun."

"No problem!"

When we enter our school's front doors, there's more than just the typical morning commotion. There's posters being put up reading "Casper High Formal Tickets on sale now! Purchase during lunch period". My jaw nearly hits the floor but bite my tongue to keep it up. I loved going to school dances, but wasn't expecting one to even happen until Junior or Senior prom!

"Formal Dance?"

"Yeah it's once a year for Freshmen and Sophomore's since we can't go to Prom yet."

Oh yeah, that's right. Come on (Y/N), you're in High School now. Events and dances are bound to happen.

"Are you going?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe if I ask Paulina and she says yes." Danny shrugs walking alongside me.

OH HELL NO! I can't let that happen!

I do my best to brush off his very wrong answer and make my way to my locker.

"Are you?" He then asks me.

"I don't know. Maybe if someone takes me." I shrug using his words and action back at him.

If you take me.

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