Dance Drama

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     Approaching your lockers with Danny, heart pounding with fear, there waiting for you both is Sam and Tucker. Tucker messes around with his PDA while Sam leans against the tall metal with her boot.

"Good morning. It's about time you two met up with us before class." You say.

"Good morning." Tucker says politely.

"Morning. Sorry, lots going on. Also, are you okay? I know it's been...confusing lately." Sam says implying the recent events with Danny. Danny looks at you sincerely.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess. Don't worry though, my lips are sealed." You say taking out your phone trying to distract yourself.

"So, you guys going?" Danny asked pointing to the dance advertisement poster nearby.

"What? No! I totally don't want to will be lame. I have better things to do. Dances are always lame. I mean...I have a dress but I am so not going to wear it ever. Like who cares right?" Sam says. You give her a face that says 'girl get it together.' Danny snickers at your reaction.

"You totally want to go. Just do it Sam." You say putting your phone back in your pocket. "Ill go if you do." you say giving her an opening.

"Well when you put it that way, alright!" Sam says with a big smile. It was obvious she was trying to hide her intentions and just wanted a reason to hide it and look cool. But it's just a dance! Nothing to be embarrassed about!

"Besides, we're young and High School sucks. MIght as well make the best of it." You say optimistically.

"You already know I'm going. Free food, pretty girls, good music, pretty girls...." Tucker says.

You laugh and roll your eyes. Such a playboy.

"...your PDA fully charged with a dress on." you mock dreamily adding onto to his list. Everyone laughs except Tucker.

"Ha ha very funny (Y/N). No, seriously. I need a date to the dance. See you guys later! Wait up ladies!" Tucker says running towards some cheerleaders down the hall.

"Who are you going to ask to the dance Danny?" Sam asks. You have a strong feeling she's hoping he takes her. You might have some competition with her.

"Paulina." he says with dreamy eyes. You nearly gag at the disrespect. What's wrong with asking you?

"Ugh whatever. I'm gonna hurl." Sam says irritated.

"Who the hell is Paulina anyway?" You ask annoyed.

"Her." Sam says using her eyes to point out the girl to your left coming your way.

     Boys sigh admiring her flawless skin and long beautiful hair. Some even say "Paulinaaaaa." or "Paulina, please marry me!". She just waves at some and ignores some. You can tell by her body language she's the stuck up type, but as much as it made you jealous, you admitted she was very attractive. She comes up to you and Danny trembles like a chihuahua.

"Hi! I'm Paulina. You're the new girl who totally beat up Dash right?" She asks you.

"Uh...yeah, let's go with that. Call me (Y/N). Not my most proud moment though." You say slightly disturbed. "Is he your boyfriend or something?" You say.

"He wishes! But no, just a friend. But it's whatever! I don't care. I love your hair! What products do you use?" She says playing with your hair.

     You remain still as a rock both confused and uncomfortable. Why does Danny want to go to the dance with this chick ?  You look at Sam wondering what's going on. Sam just shrugs while Danny is flabbergasted at the fact the most popular in school is actually within a couple feet from you. If you attract her attention, there's defiantly something special about you.

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