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~Your P.O.V~

      Throughout the school day, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened this morning. I got through to Danny when I wasn't even trying! I was just trying to protect him from Paulina's bullying attempt. It made me feel proud of myself even and I don't say that often. Word spread pretty quick too. Not only were you known for the girl that beat up Dash, but also the one who embarrassed Paulina in front of a crowd. Some of her fanboys lost interest in her because of it too. Some started calling you the 'Bully Buster". You weren't sure how you felt about that though...not really the name you intended of becoming.

Just as he mentioned, Danny did not show up to lunch. Tucker, Sam, and I hung out together while Sam told Tucker everything that happened still in shock.

"Bully Buster huh?" Tucker says writing it in his PDA under my 'profile'.

I roll your eyes and shake my head digging into my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Whatever, let them talk."

"Still what you did was awesome. You should have been there Tuck."

"Yeah, yeah, thanks guys. So dance tickets? We get them over there, I think." I say pointing to the ticket sales table being manned by 2 teachers.

"Taken care of." Sam says slapping four tickets onto the table.

"You bought them for us?!" I say holding them up reading it's written contents.

"Of course I did."

"Oh yeah she doesn't know, you might wanna fill her in Sam. But cool, thanks!" Tucker says taking one from me. I look at him unsure what he means.

"Oh, sorry. I tend to not tell a lot of people. My family is very rich, so I do things like this often. Think nothing of it!"

"Rich?! Ugh, so lucky!" I say enviously.

"Besides you deserve it after sticking up for Danny multiple times now." She says.

"I have no problem accepting stuff from her. I love free stuff." Tucker says grinning. She elbows him in the side and I laugh.

"Wow, thanks a bunch! Money isn't everything Tuck." I drink some of my apple juice. Um...did you guys get a date yet?" You ask.

"Nah. The cheerleaders turned me down or ran away from me." Tuckers says disappointed.

"Ouch, sorry pal." I comfort him.

"Eh..maybe I will end up taking my PDA if Star rejects me."

"Oh come on now, don't do that! I was joking. If it makes you feel better, I haven't either. Not that it's needed, but I would like it. Say, this fourth one is for Danny right?"

"Sure is." Sam confirms.

"I'm going to hang out with him later, do you want me to give it to him for you?" I offer.

"I...was actually hoping to give it to him myself."

"Oh, then I don't have to. Have you had luck with a date Sam?"

"I'm hoping Danny asks me."

I nearly hear your heart break. Sam wants to go with Danny too? Where did this come from?!

"Danny? Why him?" I say hiding your concern and trying not to choke on my juice.

"She's had the biggest crush on him since they were kids. He still hasn't figured it out yet." Tucker replies.

"I didn't know...I'm sorry." I say regretfully.

"What are you sorry for though?"

"I uh-well..." I don't know how to put this nicely...I don't want to upset her.

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