Jail Time

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"You can't change the past, but you can change the future. Your future matters."

     Your Mom's words echo in your head, and hurt your heart. You never expected this life to be your future. Even after explaining that you were protecting Danny and Dash was about to hurt him, they still found you both guilty. Dash for bullying and you for aggravated assault. As a result, the two of you among many other trouble making students had detention. Your Aunt grounded you for a week on top of it. But to keep you two away from each other, you had detention on different days. Today unfortunately was yours.

     You bury your face in your hands frustrated beyond compare. Nothing better than school prison. You groan at the annoyance of Mr. Lancer telling everyone the detention rules like 'No talking.', 'Do your homework if you have any', 'No gum', blah blah blah. All because you started to get feelings for Danny. Regret is eating you alive. You've got to control your temper even though he did deserve it. 

     You didn't get to hear what Danny wanted to ask you either, just rubbing salt in the wound. The only part you did not regret was standing up for your crush. You wonder what he thought of that? He may have not wanted you to end up here, but maybe he was grateful you backed him up? After all, it was Dash's face or his. Regardless, it left you in a boring room at a desk surrounded by wackos and class clowns. 

     About 20 minutes pass and you were insanely bored. You didn't even have any homework to do to kill time. The awkward silence breaks in the room by the detention room phone ringing. Who could be calling here and why?

Mr. Lancer looks bewildered, but proceeds to answer the phone.

"Understood." He says hanging up the phone. His green eyes look at you and smile.

"Miss (L/N), you are dismissed." He says to you.

"I am?" You say.

     How is that possible? Hearing a small rock hit the window beside you, you see Sam and Tucker waving at you, taking cover in the bushes. Tucker has a phone in his hand. You then figure it out. They're getting you out of here! A proud grin crosses your face.

"Okay, thanks!" You say grabbing your backpack and leaving the room.

     Running out of the school you meet up with your rescuers outside. This time Danny was with them. Where did he come from? Elated, you give them a group hug despite Sam's cringing hating human contact.

"You didn't think I would let you suffer in there did you?" Danny says as you guys run away and make your escape.

"How did you guys do this?" You ask.

"We have our ways. They don't call me 'techno geek' for nothin'." Tucker says.

"What did you tell Lancer?" You ask them.

"To let you go!" Tucker answers. You give him a "no crap' look.

"I meant how did you convince him?"

"Let's just say, we made him change his mind." Danny says with a wink.

"You guys are the best! Thanks so much!"

"Listen (Y/N), I am so sorry. Dash picks on us all the time. Me the most. But I'm used to a punch, wedgie, whatever it is every now and then from him. You shouldn't have got between us. I'm tired of getting you into bad situations." Danny says with a sigh.

"You're right, I shouldn't have. But it sure felt good! It wasn't you either though. Those actions were entirely mine."

"I bet. For what it's worth, thanks for stcking up for me like that." Danny says.

     They laugh, Tucker making note of that on his PDA. You guys walk for bit without a plan in mind. Tucker decides to change that.

"So, Nasty Burger anyone?" He says rubbing his growling stomach.

"Count me in! You've never been there yet have you (Y/N)?" Danny asks.

"Nope, but I would love to. I'm hungry too. But I'm actually grounded..." You answer kindly.

"Pftt, who needs to know? And they won't find out!" Sam says coolly.

"Good point. My Aunt is probably at work thinking I'm in detention anyway."

     Danny's ghost sense goes off and he looks very annoyed suddenly. Sam and Tucker go silent knowing exactly what was happening. The clouds begin to dark and thunder rumbles.

"Actually, rain check. Pun intended. I got a bad feeling. Guys get out of here now!" Danny says running away.

"What? Why?" You say not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

"Just trust him! Let's move!" Sam says pulling wrist as the run away.

     Danny goes in the opposite direction turning a corner. You look back towards Danny still not understanding what they were running from. He quickly vanishes from your sight, but you swore you heard someone shouting.

"I'm going ghost!" 

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