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~2 Weeks Later~

     After a head injury and explaining to your Aunt what happened that insane day, she decided to let you recover and miss school for a couple of weeks. She felt like you needed it both physically and mentally. During this time you rested, saw a doctor for concussion recovery/medications, and went to therapy appointments. The neighborhood was in the process of rebuilding and cleaning up Skulker's mess. Danny, Sam, and Tucker visited you a few times too! You were glad to finally make some friends. Tomorrow, you go back to school for a new fresh start since it didn't work out so well the first time.

     One thing that hasn't left your mind was that Danny Phantom guy. Danny told you stories about him ever since that day. He saved you from near death and you didn't even get to thank him for it. You hope you will get the chance someday. As you lay in your bed, you try to mentally prepare for what's ahead of you.

Your phone goes off.

Danny: Hey, how are you feeling?

(Y/N): Hey, I'm doing much better. Thanks for checking in.

Danny: Nice! You're coming back to school tomorrow right?

(Y/N): Yup!

Danny: Awesome! I wanted to talk to you about something. Meet me at our locker's before first class?

(Y/N): Will do.

You wondered what he wanted to ask you. And why he couldn't just say it through text.

~The Next Day~

     First day back. Lots of things are running through your mind. How much work needs to be caught up on? Were you missed? First things first, meet up with Danny. You headed to your locker and sure enough, he's already there putting books in his own locker.

"Good Morning, Danny." You say with a warm smile.

"Good Morning, (Y/N)." He responds closing his locker door very carefully. Just before you ask what was up, you noticed a large bandage wrapped around his forearm.

"Danny, what happened to your arm?!" You ask pointing to it.

"Oh, I-"


Danny doesn't even get to make up an excuse about why his arm was wrapped...just a ghost fight the night prior...

"What?" You say turning in the direction of the culprit. Stomping towards you both was a blonde jock in a red and white football jacket.

"Oh no...Dash." Danny says with a facepalm.

"Dash?" You say.

Danny nods with an eye roll.

"What do you want Dash?" He says blandly not even giving him eye contact.

"I failed my math test because of you Fenterd!" He yells in Danny's face.

"How is that any way his fault?" You say to him throwing your hands up.

"Wait, who's this chick? The new girl?" Dash staring you down. Danny clenches his fists the second Dash looks your direction. Danny gets in front of you and pushes you behind him protectively.

"Okay get this straight. You can say or do whatever you want to me, but you leave her out of it!" He threatens angrily.

     Wow, didn't see that coming. But you have to admit you liked it! Dash ignores Danny entirely and shoves him out of the way causing Danny's back to hit the lockers. Oohh that sounded like it hurt. And that for sure pissed you off!

"Shut it Fenton! I heard you beat her up with your locker." Danny growls at this getting his bearings, while you stand your ground. Concern and anger fill your face and you reach your hand out towards Danny to help him, but Dash steps in front of you trying to get your attention instead. This guy means nothing to you especially now that he's hurt Danny intentionally.

"Actually now that I take a better look at ya, you're pretty hot!" He smirks with flirty eyes. Danny gets jealous just at the word 'hot'.

"Leave us alone." You demand sternly.

"You heard her, get lost!" Danny orders once again getting in front of you with eyes turning bright green...but that was a big mistake in your eyes. Dash grabs Danny by his collar and shoves him up against the lockers. His feet couldn't even touch the ground.

"No! Let him go!" You yell. The commotion starts to draw a crowd around the three of you. This is getting ugly very fast!

"I'm so sick of you ruining my life Fenton! Especially when it comes to the ladies. Say goodnight loser!" Dash yells with a fist in the air. 

     Danny closes his eyes bracing himself for impact. He would normally use his ghost powers, but can't risk blowing his cover in front of you and his classmates chanting "Fight!". Some are recording on their phones while other are rooting for Dash.

"Oh no Danny!" Sam says now finding you guys. "Tucker do something!" She says looking around for him scared.

"I said LET HIM GO!!!" You bellow from the top of your lungs. Just the loud sound of your voice stuns Danny and Dash.

     Without hesitation you tackle Dash with all of your strength knocking him to the floor. Dash drops Danny because of this and you hear him land on the floor holding his wounded arm. He begins to stand up and get you to safety... but he just wasn't quick enough. Dash doesn't even have time to react to your speed and strength before you land two huge punches in his face.

"(Y/N) No!" Danny says running to you and pulling you off of Dash. "As much as I love this, I can't let you get in anymore trouble because of me!" Danny begs. You try to free yourself from his grasp, but he's stronger than he looks! You couldn't get free no matter what you did!

     Sam and Tucker catch up to you both running towards Dash. Dash sits up, blood dripping like a waterfall down his nose.

"Are you crazy?!" He barks at you. "If you were a boy, I'd be wailing on ya hardcore!" Dash stands up filled with rage but really embarrassed at the same time. He just got beat up by a girl and could never live that down!

"We gotta get out here now!" Sam urges running up in front of Dash blocking him from you and Danny.

"Quickly!" Tucker says.

"Moby Dick! What is going on here?!" Mr. Lancer says moving his way through the crowd. After seeing a teacher intervene, the crowd begins to depart not wanting to get caught up in anything. Uh no...busted. His eyes go to Dash with a banged up face and you being held back by your friend.

"Uh oh..." Danny says.

"Too late..." Says Sam.

"Um...I uh-..." You stammer looking at Lancer as Danny frees you. Danny's head falls...he's done it again.

"You two have some explaining to do!" Lancer says grabbing you and Dash, headed to the Discipline office. Lancer's arms grabbing you send shivers down your spine.

"Awww man! I couldn't hit a girl sir." Dash whines.

"Oh great." You say closing your eyes pretending this didn't happen.

     Danny, Sam, and Tucker stare in awe. Danny looks at you feeling ashamed at a complete loss for words.  Sam and Tucker can just watch you get pulled away and try to comfort Danny. They can't believe you stood up to Dash like that but also knew what was coming next.


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