05 = Friends & Fuhrers

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did Derek and Stiles would kiss at least once. For scientific research.

Song - Tear in my Heart // Twenty One Pilots

Celeste's POV

The shrill warning bell that resonated through the halls of Beacon Hills High School signified the beginning of sophomore class lunch and triggered a grumbling in Celeste's stomach.

She shoved her books unceremoniously into her locker before closing it and turning towards the renowned lacrosse star beside her.

"Look, all I'm saying is if Phoebe and Joey had gotten together, all of the couples could have shared one giant apartment. Imagine the spin-offs," the shorter girl insisted to an obviously distressed Jackson Whittemore

Jackson and Celeste had found a surprising bond through their love of sitcoms.

He would never admit this to anyone he deemed worthy enough to judge him socially, of course, but he secretly loved dissecting endless alternate endings and theories with her. Celeste didn't mind the secrecy though. It was through this connection that she saw any humanity in the emotionally detached boy, much to the delight - and suspicion - of Lydia.

"Okay, but that would ruin the realistic appeal the show offers," Jackson claimed through an annoyed huff, "Monica and Chandler's relationship was sudden enough, even with the rushed backstory."

Celeste pursed her lips slightly as they strolled side by side down the hall towards the lunchroom.

"Oh please," she scoffed as they approached the large metal doors guarding the promise land, "the show stopped being realistic the minute Monica could afford to live in an apartment of that size on her salary in New York City."

"Right?" Jackson agreed with thinly veiled excitement, as he pushed open the door and held it out for Celeste almost subconsciously.

As soon as they were faced with the mayhem of the cafeteria, the walking chin dimple's attitude did a complete 180, his posture stiffening and his face become void of expression.

Celeste rolled her eyes and pushed past him to get to the lunch line, weaving through tables of hormonal teenagers as she went.

The two fell in line to get there food in comfortable silence. It slowly moved forward and Celeste found herself lost in her own thoughts as she robotically shuffled forward every few seconds.

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