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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would bring in Halsey as a main character so fast you don't even know.

Song - Ghost // Halsey (Lost Kings remix)

Celeste's POV

The crisp crunch of deadened leaves reached Celeste's welcoming ears with an invigorating sense of familiarity as she greeted them with the soles of her red Converse.

As much as the new-found feeling of having people genuinely want to spend time with her excited the girl, she needed desperately a break from the social scene to recharge, which is how she found herself creeping around the woods yet again in search of temporary isolation.

She had stayed at the hospital with Jackson until a worried Lydia made an appearance, at which point Celeste had promptly shoved all of the paperwork and responsibilities into the strawberry blonde's capable hands and made a run for it.

It had grown increasingly apparent that Lydia was still upset at Celeste by the her haughty tone and the way she waited the obligatory three rings to pick up her phone in an attempt to seem like she didn't need Celeste when the dark haired girl had initially called her to inform her of Jackson's situation.

Due to this, Celeste had decided it was better to walk home than face her friend's wrath, but was quickly derailed from her begrudging objective by the promise of the quietly whimsical wooded area she had grown to love.

Currently, she was exploring the area she had been in the general direction of last week before the equal parts creepy and handsome man had so rudely stopped her.

She almost stepped directly onto a large, almost cartoonish red and white mushroom, but caught herself at the last minute.

She crouched next to it with a wistful smile. The sight of it caused her thoughts to fade to a memory from the age of six.

9 years prior

The world around the young girl was spinning. Her long, dark hair was a windy mess and the end of her white dress was dyed with grass stains.

Even so, giddy laughter bubbled out from her grinning lips as she swayed along with her surroundings.

"Again," she demanded with excitement as she reached her arms up gleefully to the man in front of her, wanting him to pick her up in his arms and spin her around like he had done moments before.

"I think if I do it again you might get sick, little bee," he refused, but with an amused smile that reached his eyes and the crinkles of his deeply etched crow's feet.

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