02 = Puppy Love & PDA

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did Stydia would be happening. Now.

Song - Walk on By // Noosa (Sound Remedy remix)

Celeste's POV

        Lydia walked with a very nervous Celeste until they reached her locker, going over what the strawberry blonde called "proper high school etiquette".

        Gradually, they slowed down as they reached Celeste's metal compartment.

        Her friend then strutted off to find Jackson, and the dark-haired girl was left alone with her thoughts.

        Shakily, she entered her combination and the cold metal door swung open. Placing her unneeded materials inside, she deliberately worked as slowly as possible.

        She was hoping to get to class just before the bell rang, as to avoid social interaction.

        However, she still found herself in front of her first period English class at least five minutes before the bell rang.

        Celeste hesitantly entered the dull environment of her classroom, her blue irises scanning the room as she contemplated on which seat to choose.

        Wanting to escape the possibility of wandering eyes, she randomly selected a seat near the back of the room.

        Sliding her backpack off of her shoulder, she slipped neatly into the uncomfortable desk.

        She pulled out a simple black pen, setting it gently into the concave section near the front of her work space, compulsively straightening it multiple times.

        She ran her hand along the cool surface of the desk, her fingers delicately dipping into the grooves carved by a student in the past, her lips twitching upwards as she realized they made up a smiley face.

        Celeste jumped slightly as she felt a clumsy, tentative finger tap her cloth-covered shoulder.

        She glanced up with slightly parted lips, and her eyes widened considerably as she saw the nervous boy in front of her. It was the boy from the beach.

        The male was shifting his weight from one foot to the other repeatedly, and his hands were clasping and releasing the straps of his backpack.

        He stared down at Celeste nervously, seemingly unsure of what her reaction to his presence would be.

        He visibly relaxed when she greeted him with a welcoming smile, recovering from her temporary surprise.

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