07 = Adolescent Lycans & Adderall

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   I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I promise I would have shown Greenburg a long time ago.

Song - Jaigantic // Tora (Galimatias remix)

Celeste's POV

                The sound of the Martin household's doorbell echoed throughout the house and reached Celeste's ears.

                Frowning at the lack of response she got, Celeste carefully shifted the covered cake platter containing ten buttercream frosted red velvet cupcakes.

                Originally, there were a dozen, but she had offered Stiles one and another had mysteriously disappeared around the time the spastic boy had left her home.

                She knocked on the door, and was about to start pounding the Imperial Death March on Lydia's mahogany door when one carefully poised Lydia Martin opened the door.

                "Yes?" the strawberry blonde haughtily greeted Celeste, obviously still miffed about her not eating lunch with Lydia.

                "I'm sorry for bailing on you at lunch," Celeste apologized with a sheepish grin, "but, I come bearing delicious baked goods."

                Celeste dramatically showed off the cupcakes, and she could see her friend's resolve slowly weakening.

                "Are they buttercream instead of cream cheese?" she sniffed and Celeste felt relief, knowing she was forgiven.

                "Always," she replied matter-of-factly, before reaching into her bag and clumsily pulling out a DVD case, "What do you say? Legally Blonde and cupcake binge?"

                Lydia's doe eyes softened, and she stepped out of the door frame to let Celeste through.

                "Its about time you showed up," Lydia stated, "I have so much to complain about."

                "Fire away," Celeste said as she plopped onto Lydia's comfy living room love seat after placing the cupcakes on the coffee table, "you know I'm always a slut for listening to menial first world problems."

                Lydia rolled her eyes, but proceeded to launch into her story anyways. Celeste nodded along, interjecting with the odd "oh" or "yeah" when she felt it was necessary.

                There was no chance of Lydia's parents coming home, they were almost never here. Celeste knew they had been toying around with the daunting word divorce for a while now, and they didn't like being around Lydia when they discussed it. Which was always, according to a secretly terrified Lydia.

                Celeste reached for a cupcake, sighing dramatically at Lydia's antics, but a small smile was painted on her face as she felt the pair settling back into their groove.

                "Obviously Jackson will play," Lydia rattled on, "but he won't be at his peak. Not that you even care about what I'm saying because you're too busy dreaming about making love to your buzzcut boy."

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