14 = Arcades & Alphas

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did it would still be on Netflix seriously what's up with that?

Song - under refurbishment


Celeste's POV

The bell twinkled hello merrily as Stiles cordially held the glass, flyer papered door to "Sal's Pizza & Arcade" for an awestruck Celeste.

"Oh my god," Celeste breathed in the starkly contrasting scents of pizza cheese and the odd, musty smell that all arcades seemed to possess as they melded together wonderfully, "What Toy Story sorcery did you have to perform in order to gain us entry to this place of wonders? Did you have to donate a kidney to Hades or something? If so, totally worth it."

            Stiles laughed lightly at her child-like grin, his eyes shining in amusement as hers flitted around aimlessly from place to place in unmasked awe.

            "Scott and I have been coming here since middle school," Stiles casually placed a hand on the small of her back and directed her to a table, "I figured you'd appreciate it."

            Celeste's heart fluttered obnoxiously at his touch, and she was certain her face was as red as the soft, worn vinyl of the booth they slid into.

            "Stiles Stilinski," a loud voice boomed, causing Celeste to flinch back instinctively as a robust man clad in a stained apron over casual jeans and a white tee ambled over and clasped a hand amiably on Stiles' shoulder, "How are you son? It's been too long."

            "Hey Sal," Stiles grinned, his eyes darting between a lost looking Celeste and the man, presumably Sal of 'Sal's Pizza & Arcade', "Uh, this is Celeste."

            "A girl?" Sal looked shocked, but chuckled lightheartedly, "I never thought I'd see the day when Stiles Stilinski brought a girl to my little old restaurant. A cyborg, maybe, but not a human girl. And a pretty one, at that. How are you my dear?"

            "Dammit, Sal," Stiles whined with a hint of a blush, eliciting a hearty laugh from the aforementioned man. 

"I'm good, sir," Celeste smiled shyly, taking his firm hand when he held it out in greeting, "Also, for the record, your restaurant is positively superb."

"I like her," Sal winked at Stiles, causing the both of them to show subtle signs of bashfulness, "So, what'll it be? Your usual?"

"No," Stiles blurted loudly, his eyes widening comically, causing Celeste to raise a brow, "Uh, I mean, just a cheese pizza is fine, thanks."

Sal chuckled as if the two were in on an inside joke, nodding before walking on to a family of four, yelling at them jovially about pizza toppings.

"What's your usual?" Celeste wondered aloud, curiosity filling her head.

"Uh, nothing, it's nothing," Stiles mumbled, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly.

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