16 = Pawns & Prophecies

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would actually explore Scott's heritage more bc representation is important people!

Song - Attica '71 // Olivver

Celeste's POV

"Sorry," Stiles ran his hand through his closely shaved hair, "you're getting visions?"

Celeste sighed, looking for the right words to explain a concept which she barely understood herself. She had just gotten through stuttering out a rushed recap of her general mental state since coming to the enigmatic town of Beacon Hills.

"No, not really," Celeste tried, pink dusting her cheeks as Stiles grabbed her hand in support from his position next to her on his bedroom floor, "they're more like feelings, I guess. Sometimes they're so overwhelming that it's like I'm transported to another atmosphere, and when I return to reality I've written some cryptic kind of free verse poetry. Without even knowing."

"Do, uh," Stiles looked at her apprehensively, not wanting to push the obviously uncomfortable girl "do you have them? The poems?"

Celeste hesitated briefly, but decided ultimately that the circumstances took precedence over her unfounded issues with showing people her writing. Besides, she trusted Stiles.

She ducked her head down insecurely as she rummaged through her bag and pulled out her beloved journal, handing it to Stiles reluctantly.

"Just these two," Celeste hovered nervously, flipping hurriedly over her other works and to her two most recent entries.

Stiles mulled over the writings, his eyebrows pulled together cutely as he concentrated on his analyzation.

She meant cute in a completely, platonically objective way, of course.

"When did you write this first one?" the male asked suddenly, and Celeste looked up in thought.

"The night before Lydia's party, I think," Celeste hadn't exactly been keeping track of time with everything that had been going on.

Stiles let out a 'hm' and nodded to himself, skimming over the more recent of the two again.

"And the second?" He asked gently.

"The night of the bus attack," Celeste spoke with a more definitive tone, "I remember that one because it kept me up basically all night."

"Is it possible that the first one is about the night when Scott was attacked by hunters?" Stiles jerked forward as he made the realization, "Argent is French for silver, right? You talk about silver a lot. Plus, Derek told Scott they were brothers. You refer to brothers in this, and Derek helped him that night."

Celeste frowned in thought, grabbing the journal from him and reading it over.

"And the second one," he continued, looking over her shoulder, "it could be about the attack on the bus. The martyr is Mr. Meyers, the protector is Scott, and the predator is the Alpha."

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