23 = Breakdowns & Black Eyes

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I'd have a Scott Appreciation episode bc my baby deserves it.

Song - Deep End // Coucheron

Celeste's POV

Celeste wanted to die. And also mac and cheese.

She dragged her feet down the school hallway, headphones blasting angry Childish Gambino music in her ears as she avoided making eye contact with people.

The idea of facing Harris' class, especially in light of such important happenstances occurring outside the school's walls, was despicable.

She grumpily opened her locker, having messed up the combination twice before achieving entry, and began shoving her books inside when a timid tap on her shoulder pulled her out of her reverie.

"Oh my god, what?" Celeste groaned, spinning around.

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of a rather discouraged looking Isaac Lahey.

"Oh sorry," she shouted over her music, causing the boy to wince at her volume, "what? Am I yelling? Sorry. I should stop yelling."

The girl sheepishly pulled out her earbuds as Isaac wrung his hands and tugged at the sleeves of his sweater.

"What's up, buttercup?" Celeste referenced back to the first time Isaac had come over.

"I- ah, never mind," Isaac ran a hand through his sand colored curls, jabbing a thumb behind him, "I should, uh, go. Let you get back to your brooding."

"Isaac," Celeste allowed the corners of her lips to tilt downwards at the realization that her friend was still shy around her, "don't be the season finale of Scream Queens. What's up?"

"Well, I just," Isaac clenched his jaw tightly, before taking a shaky breath, "you, me, winter formal, please?"

Celeste blinked, processing the shaky compilation of words that had bubbled over the lanky boy's lips.

The boy pulled out a white rose from his bag, the petals slightly crushed from the weight of his other belongings.

"I, uh, got you this," Isaac's hands were shaking as he thrust it forward, "you know, because you're really pretty, but also scary, because of your thorns."

Celeste smiled, delight shining through her eyes as she took the flower.

No one had ever given her a flower before.

"I'd love to," she assured, causing the boy to exhale in relief.

"Great, good, cool," he stuttered out, backing away from her, "I'll just, uh, talk to you later then? Thank you, for not laughing in my face and stuff."

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