21 = White Lies & Wolf Hunts

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would put my new kitten in it. She is adorable and I am in love with her.

Song - Awkward // San Cisco

Celeste's POV

The rest of the day had passed by in a blur of oddities. The two most peculiar happenstances were the occurrences of Stiles acting as though she had died and gone to hell, and the incident with Scott.

Stiles' behavior was unexplainable, ever since he had seen her on the lacrosse field after Scott went full on Hulk on the beautifully structured, Armani scented being that was Danny Mahealani. She wasn't sure what she had done wrong, but it was apparently bad enough that Stiles didn't even laugh at her John Cena joke.

Scott, however, was acting even stranger. Earlier in the day, they had been walking down the hall when Greenburg whistled at her and tried to grab her arm. She was going to bark at him until he went away, but Scott beat her to the punch by promptly grabbing Greenburg by the throat and shoving him in to Jackson's newly assigned locker, denting the metal almost inside-out in the process.

Poor Jackass.

Currently, she was facing both of her problems head on by heading to Scott's house. She and Stiles were supposed to "contain" Scott together, but the girl was running a little late due to an impromptu training session with her now fully recovered trainer, Derek.

She entered Scott's house, locking the door behind her. Heading up the stairs, she paused as she heard yelling. Confrontation made her want to euthanize herself.

"She's m-, she's the one girl-," Celeste frowned as she heard the distress in Stiles' tone, "I've never felt this way about anyone, Scott. You know what she means to me."

Celeste frowned in confusion. Who could he possibly have been talking about? She very much did not appreciate the pang that ran through her at the thought of Stiles having thoughts about someone so strongly.

"You know, for the past three hours I've been thinking it's just the full moon," Stiles continued on, "You know? He doesn't even know what he's doing and tomorrow he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend."

Celeste's heart broke as she heard his voice crack, rushing in to the room and surprising both boys.

"Woah, hey," she spoke softly, but firmly, placing her hand on Stile's chest gently, "What the hell is going on?"

Stiles scoffed, and the look of disbelief in his eyes hurt Celeste more than she cared to admit, but he backed away at her touch nevertheless, moving out into the hallway.

Scott sniffed the air, and his eyes began flashing yellow dangerously. He panted heavily, and his breath came out more growl than huff.

"Why do you smell like him?" Scott began thrashing, his voice laced with anger, "Why do you smell like Derek?"

Celeste was taken aback by the fight in his eyes, and she was beginning to worry he would break through the handcuffs that kept him bound to the radiator.

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