extended summary

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"I like to come out here when I feel heavy with a conflict in my life"

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"I like to come out here when I feel heavy with a conflict in my life"

"floating through the water like that, giving up control and letting the waves control where you go, has a way of calming you."

"It feels like you're letting the sea take your troubles from you for a little while, like you become a piece of seaweed, floating along without a care in the world. It feels like you're letting out a breath you've been holding inside of you, and opening up the bottle in your soul. It has a way of making you feel... weightless"

☾ ☽

Celeste Lune has always been kind of a loner. She finds solace through the means of photography and writing, and has a strong preference for blasting music through her headphones rather than engaging in human interaction.

However, a chance encounter with a spastic boy with eyes the color of whiskey and a constellation of brown dots sprinkled across his skin has her questioning her life of solitude.

Enter a pushy strawberry blonde, a boy with puppy dog eyes, and a brunette with dimples and a dark family secret, Celeste is dragged into a whirlwind of glowing eyes and high school drama.

She can't decide which is more challenging: her newfound "abilities" or befriending Lydia Martin.

**extremely unedited. seriously. I am cringing.**

weightless / teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now