22 = Hackers & Hospitals

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would pick better music lbr.

Song - for him. // Troye Sivan

Celeste's POV

"This is gonna be impossible, you know," Scott complained as he held the doors of the school open for Celeste.

"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles asked, in reference to Allison's necklace.

"How?" Scott whined.

"It's easy," Stiles shrugged, "just say 'Hey, Allison, can I borrow your necklace? See if there's anything on it, or in it that can lead me to an Alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you'."

"Not helping," Scott snapped, "Celeste, why can't you just do it?"

"We aren't exactly 'necklace sharing' friends," Celeste snorted, "besides, I ship Scallison way too much to let this opportunity go by."

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Stiles tried to hide his smile that arose from Celeste shipping anything and everything.

"She won't talk to me," Scott frowned in frustration, "What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?"

"That's why you ease back into it," Stiles' advice fell upon deaf ears as Scott painted a stupid grin on to his face, "okay? Get back on her good side, remind her of the good times, and then you ask for the necklace."

Scott stared dreamily into space, causing Celeste to groan and throw her face into Stiles' shoulder.

"You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?" Stiles slapped his best friend.

"Yes," Scott pouted sheepishly.

"Alright," Stiles sighed, "stay focused, okay? Get the necklace, get the alpha, get cured, get Allison back. In that order, got it?"

Stiles slapped Scott one more time before taking Celeste's arm and dragging her along to their next class.

"Hey, so I was about to go to sleep last night but then I started thinking about capitalism- oh sweet garbanzo beans."

Celeste cut herself off in the middle of her sentence as a sharp pain ran through her neck, as if someone was stabbing her with a pointy metal object, and a pang of fear coursed through her before she was overcome with a feeling of great satisfaction.

"Cel, what the hell?" Stiles looked concerned.

"Hey," she smiled dazedly, "that rhymed."

"Uh, okay," Stiles frowned at her sudden mood change.

"So anyways I hate Donald Trump."

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