03 = Curly Fries & Connections

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did Stiles would smile a lot more.

Song - Tennis Court // Lorde (Flume remix)

Celeste's POV

"It's not going in!"

"Just push a little harder!"

"It's completely stuck."

"Game face, this is totally normal. Everyone does it."

"Getting shoes a size down is not natural Lydia."

The strawberry blonde huffed and plopped down with exaggerated annoyance on the carpeted floor of the the shoe department in Macy's.

She gripped onto the heel of the metallic bronze boot that she had chosen for Celeste on their trip to the mall.

"Okay, you push into the shoe while I push up onto your foot. On three. One, two, thr-"

Lydia's countdown was interrupted by very intense whale noises that she didn't think could come from the tiny girl above her.

As soon as Lydia dropped the unnecessarily strap-covered boot, Celeste wiggled her entire body until the medieval torture device was flung from her suffering foot.

That caused a lot of dirty looks from the surrounding suburban mothers.

"Celeste!" Lydia cried in an exasperated tone, to which she replied with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry Lyds, that thing feels like a gremlin trying to eat my toes."

"What feels like a gremlin?" Allison interjected, popping her head out of a nearby dressing room.

Celeste and Lydia simultaneously pointed to the offending boot, which was now residing in the middle of a colorful display of flats.

The taller girl giggled, her luxurious curls cascading along the right side of her prominent jawline.

Celeste wished she had those curls, instead of her wavy, hard to manage ink colored locks.

She self-consciously smoothed down the top of her hair as Allison stepped out of the dressing room in a strapless ivory-with-sky-blue-accents casual dress that filled out beneath the bodice and ended just above the modelesque girl's knees.

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