11 = Victims & Vets

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did Erica and Boyd would be such a thing you don't even know.

Song - #88 // Lo-Fang

Celeste's POV

"I swear to god it was like having my first kiss all over again, I felt like I was floating."

"Alli-cat," Celeste addressed her babbling friend with a grumpy pout, "I'm really excited for you, truly. However, if you don't shut up I will have no choice but to remove your rib bones with my bare hands."

Allison only laughed lightheartedly as the two of them sat side by side in her car. Celeste usually rode to school with Lydia, but her strawberry blonde friend had chosen to spend the night with Jackson –cue horrified shudders- and so she called Allison instead.

Celeste's abrasive attitude was due to the fact that she had gotten exactly one and a half hours of sleep last night. She had kept drifting off, only to be awoken by a twitching hand and an icy hot rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

She closed her eyes tiredly, remembering the enigmatic words that had appeared in smudged ink on the pages of her journal after she had given into the overwhelming urge to write.

The martyr, a victim whose fate was slashed through his chest with the sharp knife of his mistakes, a being living on the borrowed time of his past

The protector, a child of innocence whose soul was dredged down with uninvited responsibility, a white knight in a checkered sea of pawns

The predator, a creature whose fangs glinted sharply with the blaring reminder of his unfulfilled revenge, a monster with eyes dipped in the red blood of the lost

Whatever the hell that meant.

To be frank, Celeste didn't really care about the meaning, she cared only about the fact that she was about to be forced to endure Harris' class while the bags under her eyes attempted to swallow her entire face.

Allison pulled swiftly into the school's back lot, parking reluctantly in the gravel beside the bus lot along with the rest of the latecomers.

"How much coffee do you think I could drink before my body becomes so saturated with caffeine that I melt into a hyperactive puddle?" Celeste pondered out loud as she swung her backpack over her shoulders and begrudgingly stepped out of Allison's warm, comfy car.

"You know I've wondered the same thing," Allison as they walked towards the back entrance of the school, "only with butter. How much butter could a person consume in one sitting before death ensued?"

"A valid question, Argent," Celeste said while linking arms with her taller friend.

The two walked in comfortable silence, Allison with the floaty air of a young girl in love, and Celeste so exhausted that she may or may not have literally hissed at a terrified looking freshman when he accidentally bumped into her.

"Woah," Celeste slowed, causing Allison to stop with her, "what the hell happened here?"

The two girls looked on in shock as they took in the sight of one of the school buses, the back doors mangled and an obscene amount of blood spattered everywhere.

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