18 = Sour Wolves & Survival Instincts

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would make Scott take a vacation to just relax and find happiness bc my smol sunshine son deserves it.

Song - 1965 // Zella Day

Celeste's POV

Celeste was silent on the car ride to the school.

Stiles kept glancing back at her, as though he expected her to spontaneously combust.

The girl still firmly believed she should have ridden with Derek, if only to make sure the desperately confused werewolf did not mistreat her boss further. However, both Scott and Stiles had, justifiably, flat out refused to leave the girl alone with him.

"So," Stiles cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to diffuse the tension that consumed a furious Scott and a shell-shocked Celeste, "the weather, am I right?"

Celeste shut her eyes and leaned her head against the window, allowing herself to be jostled around subtly as the Jeep drove over bumps in the road.

"Tough crowd," Stiles mumbled as he pulled into the all too familiar parking lot.

            They really had to stop going to the school when they weren't legally obligated to.

            "This is a terrible idea," Stiles stated as he helped Celeste out of the vehicle.

            "Yeah, I know," Scott agreed.

            "Aren't most of our ideas, though?" Celeste pondered aloud.

            "We're still gonna do it?" Stiles asked, as if they had another option.

            "Can you think of something better?" Scott voiced Celeste's thoughts, obviously distressed, and for good reason.

            "Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring the problem until eventually it just goes away," Stiles drawled out with an odd hand gesture, and Celeste nodded as he described her life.

            "Just make sure we can get inside," Scott pushed on.

            Stiles nodded his reluctant compliance, reaching into the trunk of his car and pulling out a highly intimidating pair of bolt cutters.

            Celeste straightened up as a familiar Camaro pulled into the lot with a familiar sense of understated drama.

            "Where's our boss?" Scott asked as Derek stepped out of the vehicle alone, throwing his chest out in typical teenage boy fashion.

            "He's in the back," Derek stated passively, slamming his door shut.

            The trio scurried forward in concern, peering into the back of the sleek convertible. Celeste let out a whimper of sympathy as she took in the sight of an unconscious Deaton, tied up and thrown carelessly in the back seat with silver duct tape over his mouth.

            "Oh," Stiles grumbled, grabbing Celeste's hand comfortingly, "he looks comfortable."

            He tugged her away from the car and the three started making their way to the entrance of the school building.

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