17 = Cardio & Conflict

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would put Celeste in the show bc I've started to fall in love with her I think.

Song - Teeth // The Japanese House

Celeste's POV

"This is a terrible idea. I love it."

Stiles grinned excitedly at Celeste's words as the two huddled together, around the corner from Coach Finstock's office.

Stiles' presumed response was cut off by a loud, obnoxiously shrill whistle sounding from across the hall.

"Looking good, Celeste," Jerome, a fiery red headed lacrosse player, shouted in reference to the aforementioned girl's outfit, which consisted of a thin olive green top tucked neatly into a short black skater skirt and tights featuring lacey moons etched into black fabric.

"I bite my thumb at you, sir," Celeste hissed back, obviously miffed by the presence of the plague known as catcalling being present in her midst.

"I swear to god if we get caught because of that prokaryote- whoa, you okay?"

Celeste stopped her threat midsentence at the sight of a very pissed off looking Stiles, his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched with white-knuckled fists.

He was too busy crazy psycho murdering Jerome with his withering gaze to notice Celeste's confusion, until she placed a gentle hand on his clenched fist.

"Stiles, do you copy?" Celeste asked, alarmed by his sudden mood change.

"Yeah, course," Stiles relaxed at her touch, "I just don't think it's respectful to catcall people. It's a pathetic cry for attention."

"Hey, you're preaching to the choir," Celeste smiled at him, pleasantly surprise at his concern, "Or, well, figuratively, of course. I'm not actually a choir. That would be weird."

Stiles only nodded, dismissing her ramblings as typical Celeste behavior. They both perked up as Finstock let his office, talking to himself about cupcakes or something.

"It's go time," Stiles spoke, and the two fist bumped before darting out from behind the wall.

They strode casually and confidently to the door, Celeste secretly playing Mission Impossible music in her head. Everything was going fantastically until Stiles turned the door handle.

It was locked.

"I did not account for this setback," Stiles muttered as the hallway cleared of people, everyone heading to their classes.

Celeste's eyes flitted around, looking for possible witnesses. When she found none, she turned to her friend with determination.

"Cover me," she told Stiles.

"Wh- oh my god, what are you doing?" Stiles hissed as Celeste dropped on her knees before the door.

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