04 = Toothpaste Globs & Teenagers

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did Sheriff Stilinski and Melissa would be married.

Song - COOL // Troye Sivan

Celeste's POV


Celeste dropped the offending mascara, which had seconds ago created a rather abstract streak of inky black across her nose, and glared with intensity at her reflection in her bathroom mirror.

She was minutes away from leaving the safety of her bedroom and heading over to Lydia's dreaded party, and she was a bumbling mess.

She rubbed angrily at the misplaced makeup on her face, leaving the skin rather red in a way she felt represented her feelings about the night ahead of her.

Celeste Lune and social settings were mortal enemies, and yet here she was heading in to the belly of the beast.

She turned the glass faucet of her porcelain sink, making sure the water was ice cold as she washed the residual mascara off of her hand to erase any evidence of her haphazard mistake, and watched a stray glob of toothpaste unhinge itself and swirl down the drain.

In the present moment, the flustered girl wished for nothing more than to be that glob of toothpaste.

Satisfied with her work, she puffed out her cheeks rather dramatically and stepped away from the sink, inspecting her attire in its final stages.

She was wearing a burgundy skater dress with black fleece-lined tights. Her feet were clad in black combat boots, ruffled lace socks peeking out from underneath. Upon her arms lay a knit cardigan of dark gray that reached a bit lower than her hips.

Inky black hair fell down to just below Celeste's chest in loose waves, and her makeup was minimal.

Lydia Martin was an evil sorceress, with incredible powers of persuasion.

That was the only way Celeste could explain allowing herself to be convinced to spend her evening interacting with idiotic teenagers under the influence of cheap booze.

While this event may seem insignificant and -god forbid- fun to most of her peers, Celeste's painfully habitual tendency to be horribly awkward when interacting with other people of her species, along with her very low tolerance in regards to the stupidity of the human race created a feeling of absolute torture when presented with these kinds of scenarios.

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