19 = Air Vents & Arrows

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did it would never end because seriously guys I am so scared of what will happen when it ends what will I become?

Song - Sweet Ophelia // Zella Day

Celeste's POV

            When people crawled through air vents in movies, they did not take in to account the ironically minimal lack of ventilation in the metal contraption.

            At least she was getting a feel of how hot Hell was going to be when she arrived.

            In all actuality, she was sweating so much that she had subsequently shirked her cable knit sweater, and was left in nothing but a rather revealing ivory tank top.

            "This is straight out of a horror movie," Celeste groaned, in observation of being a half-dressed girl who had gotten separated from her group due to a murderous beast, but she flinched back as her own voice echoed around her sharply.

            "Woah, okay, note to self: do not talk in air vents," Celeste dumbly spoke aloud, "Why am I still doing it? Shut up, Celeste."

            She rolled her eyes at herself, before continuing her pursuit of finding where her friends were hopefully alive and hidden from the Alpha.

            She had been searching for about five minutes now, making her way through the school's walls as fast as her callousing hands and knees would take her.

            Celeste refused to think that her friends were anything but alive and thriving. She couldn't lose anyone else today. She hadn't lost anyone, because there was no way Derek was dead.

            What would the world do without the old hag of Beacon Hills?

            She perked up considerably at the sound of faint voices murmuring to each other from outside.

            "Where the hell is she?" A voice that Celeste assumed was Stiles by the way he slurred the ends of his words slightly, "I can't lose her. How could we have lost her?"

            "I don't know," Celeste could tell it was Scott by the way his words were coming out in frustrated growls, "It's like her scent is everywhere. I can't track it."

            Celeste closed her eyes and let her whole body shudder in immense relief; her boys were alright.

            Gathering herself, she adjusted her body so she was feet forward towards the air vent opening where the voices were coming from, and kicked it open.

            "Surprise bitch," she wheezed as her body reacted to the fresh air when she clamored out, "bet you thought you'd seen the last of me."

            She was halted from speaking further as she was attacked by two lanky boys from both sides.

            "Oh jeez," Scott released her after a moment, but Stiles remained with his shaking arms wrapped around her so tightly that Celeste had trouble breathing, "hey there."

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