15 = Balloons & Blackouts

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I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would seriously give Lydia every single fight scene bc mom.

Song - Arcadia // The Kite String Tangle

Celeste's POV

"Who are you texting that can put a smile on your face at this hour?" Allison nudged her friend in the crowded school hallway, in reference to the unusual expression of early morning happiness on her friend's face, which was glued to her phone.

"Stay in your lane, Argent," Celeste warned playfully, quickly pocketing her cellular device in a way that could have been perceived as shady.

In all honesty, she had been texting Derek. They were in the midst of working out a time for her to come by the Hale estate to begin her self-defense training, and Celeste couldn't help but smile at her gloomiest friend's meticulous use of proper punctuation and capitalization in each message.

She had only just taught him how to text, and he had nearly smashed is phone when she tried to explain the concept of 'LOL' to him.

She didn't even want to imagine the outcome of when she got into the connotations behind the direction of smiley faces.

"Is it Stiles?" Allison ignored her heeding, "You only get this defensive when it's about Stiles."

"Shut up," Celeste glared at her friend with heated cheeks, "and no. He's more of my teacher, I guess."

"Woah," Allison raised a brow, "don't you dare go Ezria on me. That stuff only works in TV shows."

"How do you know we aren't in a TV show right now?" Celeste countered ominously.

"You're ridiculous sometimes," Allison snorted as the two reached the taller girl's locker.

Celeste cringed as Allison opened her locker and a plethora of pastel balloons bombarded her friend's face.

"I told Lydia balloons were overboard," Celeste grumbled as she took in Allison's disgruntled features, "sorry."

"No," Allison assured with a sigh, "this was really sweet, thank you. I just didn't really want to make my birthday public."

"Why not?" Celeste frowned, grabbing a light pink balloon from her locker, "Also, I'm taking this."

"Because I'm kind of turning seventeen," Allison shrugged with a wince.

"Oh, because of all the moving around?" Celeste nodded, "I would have had to do the same thing if I hadn't skipped a grade."

"Wow," Allison blinked, her gaze grateful "thank you for being the first person not to assume I had a baby or something."

"Did you have a baby?" Celeste asked with raised brows.

"Shut up," Allison rolled her eyes with a lighthearted laugh.

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