12 = Silver Eyes & Study Sessions

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I do not own Teen Wolf. Only Celeste. If I did then???? I don't know just where the hell is coach????

Song - East of Eden // Zella Day

Celeste's POV

"Please tell me you're going to be Wolverine for Halloween."

Scott turned around in his seat in Stiles' Jeep to face a very serious looking Celeste and frowned in confusion, as per usual.

"What could that possibly have to do with what we're doing right now?" Scott demanded of her while Stiles let out an amused snort from his position in the driver's seat.

"Well, nothing," Celeste mumbled dejectedly, slouching in the backseat with her arms folded over, "I guess."

The trio was currently on their way to the school bus lot, a fact which horrified Celeste to no end due to the late hour.

Scott had apparently engaged in another angst filled conversation with his favorite frenemy, Derek "The Bite Is A Gift" Hale, who had implanted the idea in the younger werewolf's that it would be wise to return to the still sectioned off bus crime scene to remember what had happened to him.

"I'm going to be Batman," Stiles piped up with an excited smile, looking at Celeste through the rearview mirror, "obviously."

"You're so predictable and I love it," Celeste leaned forward with a grin, "I was thinking I'd be that one kid who made all the cool inventions from The Goonies because-,"

"Guys," Scott interjected impatiently, obviously guilt ridden and eager to discover what had really happened and how he was involved, "we're here."

"Oh," Stiles mumbled, pushing open the door of the car that had been idling for over a minute now, "right."

He hopped out of the car clumsily as Scott swiftly repeated this action from the other side, holding the seat forward so Celeste could slide out with them.

Celeste hopped down onto the familiar, yet not entirely welcomed, pavement of the school, preening in the pleasant chill that caressed her skin from the cool night air.

"Hey, no," Scott protested as his two friends approached the gate that blockaded the lot with him, "only me. Someone needs to keep watch."

"How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?" Stiles frowned in annoyance, grasping the fence anyways as Celeste came to a stop at Scott's words.

"Because there's only two of us," Scott spoke earnestly, grabbing at Stiles to stop him from spider monkey crawling over the fence.

"What about Celeste?" Stiles whined from the back of his throat, gesturing towards the aforementioned girl wildly.

"She shouldn't be alone out here," Scott frowned, for some unknown reason feeling a strong sense of brotherly overprotection over the girl.

Celeste rolled her eyes at the insinuation that she was helpless, but she stayed silent. Partially because she knew she was too physically weak to open most water bottles, much less fend off a murderous werewolf, but mostly because she was too lazy to climb the fence.

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