Ⲥⲏⲇⲣⲧⲉⲅ 11

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♪ What a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked-up little thrill
Can't figure out just how you do it, and God knows I never will ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I will be damned if I allow myself to cry in front of her, that is not happening so I straightened my posture and looked away as I cleared my throat to disperse my thoughts.

"You didn't take anything that was mine?" I ask ready to demolish her lies.

"No, I didn't. Why would I want anything you had there?" She asks confusedly and I chuckle, this is just great.

"What about the things I had on the hotel's safety box? It was all empty once I woke up," her whole face went pale once I mentioned that.

"I didn't even know the code, how the fuck would I take whatever you had in there. What was even in there?" She asks even more confused and it's like something broke in the back of my mind.

"15K in cash and a box, you didn't take any of it?" I insist on asking and she shakes her head.

"No, why the fuck would I take 15K in cash? Why did you even have so much cash? You never carry cash. You never used the fucking safety box in the rooms," she is as confused as me but shock takes over me.

"I thought it was you who took it, nobody was in the room," I say as I feel my whole memory of that morning different. She never wanted my money.

"You thought I wanted your money and box? No, but thank you for informing me, look closer to you if you want to know you took it because it wasn't me, " she says as she leaves the room.

It wasn't her, she never took the money or the engagement ring. It wasn't her. Who the fuck was in the room after she left? She is too much of a light sleeper for someone to have gotten in while she was sleeping by my side and I know she didn't leave during the night, she left in the morning, I knew the plane she caught to the Netherlands left at 11 AM, she must've left around 9 AM and I only woke up around 10 AM.

I left the room once I was calmer and Christian just waited for some signal, I nodded and he gave me a thumbs up as he kept having a conversation with one of the mechanics. Being in Monaco isn't easy, being home made me remember Sky, she loved the apartment here in Monaco, she loved the view and everything about it.

I was leaving the paddock and I found George.

"What the fuck was that Max? Are you that jealous? Crashing me won't keep me away from Sky, it will only give me more time with her in the garage."

"Keep her to yourself man, don't tell me I didn't warn you about the heartbreak she will cause you in the long term. And that was payback from Azerbaijan, I told you to expect the same next thing. This was the next time dickhead, you should've taken her warning seriously," I say indifferent to his little outburst. I don't care about him in the slightest.

"Yeah, I won either way. I still got the girl, and you didn't. I have to go, I have to show up to our date presentable, I will see you in Spain," he is obviously happy and I just clench my fists in an attempt not to punch the British dickhead in front of me.

Surely enough, as I was partying my win big time in Monaco, pictures of them having dinner at a top-scale restaurant in Monaco were all over the place. She looked gorgeous, the tight dress hugging her body tightly made me realize she was as skinny as I realized, which is way more skinny than she used to be.

She still looked gorgeous, seeing George's hand on her waist just ruined it for me, that fucking dickhead got a date with her because I raced against him? I know I did it on purpose, but I did it right, I had the turn and he tried to overtake me without going wide enough. I got my chance at revenge and I took it.

He can enjoy her, I hope she doesn't break him like she broke me. Left me like I meant nothing, she never loved me, did she? What was the point all along?

"Jesus! Stop thinking about it, you already got your petty revenge over him," Charles says as he takes the phone away from my hand.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself, come," Daniel joins and they drag me to the dance floor.

So I got drunk, and had fun with them, which I am sure gave them a lot of videos of my state, and Daniel's too. I went after the prettiest girl in the club and did what I usually do, took her to a close by hotel, had sex, and helped that would make me forget the woman I had engraved in my mind. But it didn't, no one ever did.

I paid for the hotel room and went home while the girl slept, I had no patience for this and I would not let someone know where I live. I took a quick cold shower and went to bed to get some needed sleep.

I spent the week training and getting ready for Spain, I didn't want to even enter social media and see all the rumors around her name so I kept myself as busy as I could. The press conference went smoothly because I didn't get George, thankfully.

I was walking to the garage with Sergio and I saw Charles and Skylar talking, why is talking to her? I know there are no sides on this but I would hope he would be on mine if there were. Oh, this sounded so childish, I need to word it outbetter for when I talk to him next.

Broken ✞  Max Verstappen x OC x George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now