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♬ And I'm fadin', thinkin'
"Do something, babe, say something" 
"Lose something, babe, risk something" ♬

Max Verstappen POV

My heart skipped a beat, hanging on to the hope her words just gave me.

"I would hold you tighter than I ever did before because you are the one I want; you've always been," I say as I look into her eyes as she gets closer to me, our lips barely touching.

"Do it, I don't bite. Unless you want me to," she whispers, and it is a tempting offer. 

"My advances have been rejected before, so I prefer to wait before I get dumped again; my ego is suffering some blows lately," I joke, but in seconds, I feel her lips touching mine, and I don't wait a single second before wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer.

It felt as good as it always did; the numbness was gone, the void I tried hard to fill was no longer there, and it fucking kills me that this might be her way of seeing who she will choose because George is still an option, a very viable one from what I've seen.

We heard Victoria's voice getting closer a few minutes later, so we put some distance between us.

"You do know I could see that makeout session from where I was," she laughs as she picks her phone up from the table in front of us.

"Good for you; my vision is not that good, though," Sky answers nonchalantly as she finishes her champagne.

"What's this about? Are you two getting back together?" She asks as she looks at me worriedly, and I look at Sky expectantly.

"We will see about that," Sky says as she gets up.

"Is it an option?" I ask as I follow her to the bar, and I hear her laugh before she orders another drink.

"Why wouldn't it be? We were a thing before; we could be something again. You said it yourself," she says as she turns around, drink in hand.

"I would get on my knees for us to be a thing again, so don't get my hopes if I am not the one you choose. Because my heart can only be broken by you, I will let the decision go to you, handle it nicely" I say as I turn around. Her hand intertwines with mine as we approach the other to dance for a bit.

Her smile, her dancing, everything made me remember the past; we were so damn good together. She made me a better person, and I wish she had never left, but we needed it.

"There you are!" The guy from earlier tries to touch her arm, but I grab her waist and pull her to me, her back crashing into my chest with the harsh move.

"Back off mate," I tell him, annoyed by his lack of awareness.

"I- I am a huge fan, but she was the one who said she wanted to come back. Don't be hung up on a girl; there's a lot more available to you, mate," is he really trying to advise me?

"He is right. You should back off," Sky says as she leans her head back against my chest and looks up at me with a sneaky smile.

"Almost got it," he mutters before getting away from us.

"He is right, though; you have a lot of options. Why me?" She asks as she turns around, looking up at me.

"Because I love you, that's why. Is that enough for you?" I ask as I caress her cheek.

"Can we go back to the hotel?" She asks me as she arranges my hair and I nod.

"Is that what you want?" I ask as I feel my heart racing once again. This woman has too much of a hold over me, and I don't know if I hate that.

"I do, but I also know it's your party, so let's forget I asked. I will leave this party with you so remember that. Don't go after some model or influencer," she says before she goes to talk to Victoria, and I am almost disappointed with this outcome.

"You won; I told you to be the bigger person," Charles comments as she goes with Victoria to the bathroom, and I nod.

"I sure hope so because I am not doing this heartbreak thing all over again," I mention as I take a sip of my beer, and he laughs.

"George never had a chance; you two have too much history. He is a good guy, and he will be perfect for the right girl, but Sky is your girl, not his. You got this, man; we are all cheering for you," Charles says confidently.

"She still loves you; this whole thing almost felt like deja vu, if I am being honest. I had a moment where I felt I drank too much because it could've been 2020, and I would've believed it if people told me," Lando joins the conversation, and I nod.

"Thank you for the confidence boost. I will take your words into account," I say as I walk to some friends who called me.

The hours passed by, and it was getting less crowded, and I was getting ready to go. I had my jacket in hand when Sky stopped in front of me.

"Finally, you have way more energy than me and Victoria; we took a nap in one of the couches in the private room," she says excitedly, and I laugh.

"Put this on; it's cold outside," I say as I put my jacket on her shoulders, and she easily accepts it, slipping her arms in it.

"We can finally go back to the hotel as I suggested earlier," she says as the sneaky smile reappears, and I laugh.

"Is that still on your mind?" I ask as we approach the exit.

"What do you think the nap was for?" She asks as she bites her lower lip. I gulp nervously as some thoughts cross my mind. She is going to drive me crazy.

"This is ours," I say as we enter the cab I called. It was a pretty fast ride to the hotel; it was 4 AM, so that justifies it.

"Does my makeup look good still?" She asks when we enter the hotel's lobby, and I smile.

"You look great; whatever it is that you put on is working because it didn't even smudge," she gives me a pleased smile as she presses the button to call the elevator, which arrives quickly. "Yours or mine?"

"Yours is better; you are the driver, which means almost a whole apartment. I have a standard room."

I press the floor, and I wait for it to go to the top, my anxiety peaking as each floor goes by. Only for it to be completely forgotten. As soon as we stepped into the hotel room and her lips touched mine, she was mine again.

Broken ✞  Max Verstappen x OC x George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now