Ⲥⲏⲇⲣⲧⲉⲅ 23

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♬ Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time ♬

Max Verstappen POV

"Sir, please wait a bit longer, we've called someone to take you home," the nurse tells me for the hundredth time and I am not buying.

"Where is he?" I hear Sky's voice and I stop as I sit on the hospital bed. No...

"Here he is," another nurse says and she finally enters the room. She looks me up and down and I see the relief in her eyes and her whole body relaxed.

"What happened?" She asks as she gets closer to me and I am nervous to have her so close.

"I had a car accident, nothing big. You didn't need to come, you could've asked my dad to come," I say as I get up from the bed and she laughs.

"Like I would've done that, that win would mean nothing if he knew you crashed a car in a tree or something like that," she says as she rolls her eyes.

"Sir, be very careful. Any head pain and go to urgent care, you can have a concussion and the whiplash is very serious too. Miss, can you be with him until the morning at least?" The nurse who has been treating me asks and Sky nods.

"Yeah! Sure," Skylar says as they talk about what needs to be done if some very specific situation happens. I went into the bathroom took the stupid hospital gown off and put on my clothes.

She even signed some papers confirming she was responsible for me for the next 24 hours.

"Who is driving? George?" I ask as we head out.

"No, I am. Am I not capable?" She was pissed and I can't blame her. Probably interrupted their night out or something. Maybe he was meeting Alexandra and Jacob, I love them, great people. And they sure love me.

"You are, I am just in a bad mood. The hotel is like 15 minutes from here so it won't take you much more time," I comment and she nods.

"What happened?" She asks as we get to her mom's car.

"I was distracted and I crashed into a tree. Like you said. The airbags activated and I was unconscious for a while. It was nothing that big. It was a stupidity," I shrug it off. I was thinking of you kissing him for the 6th place instead of celebrating my win with me.

"You don't get distracted Max, that's not a thing. Are you drunk?" She looks at me for a short second before looking at the road and I laugh.

"Yeah, I am not drunk. I am just fine. I make mistakes, a lot of them apparently. You know it better than anyone else."

The trip was silent from then on but we got to the hotel rather quickly. I was preparing to leave but she left the car too.

"Shut up, please. You had a fucking accident. I just want to make sure you get to your room safe and sound Max," she says before I have a chance to talk so we just walk inside and then to the elevator.

I looked at her through the elevator's mirror. She was with leggings and an old shirt of mine, that is definitely mine. She was probably getting ready to eat or sleep but she went there either way.

I opened the door to the room and she entered and I just went with it. I won't complain.

"Take that off," she says as she points to my shirt and I shrug.

"I mean, you were all about being shy and decent last time. Is Georgie not living up to your expectations?" I provoke her and I see the anger in her face.

"He is, don't worry about it. I want to see if you are hurt anywhere else," she explains and I nod.

"I am not complaining, I just wanted to know what your expectations are."

I know I am messing with fire but I really wouldn't mind getting burned if I am being honest. I take the shirt off and I see her analyzing me before looking away.

"Do you like what you see?" I ask as I get closer and she looks up at me.

"Control yourself, Max. I am not like the women you probably pick up at clubs. Go take a shower. Also, be careful with your shoulder, you have the seatbelt mark there, lucky for you it worked. And also lucky that the airbag didn't give you a broken nose."

"Shouldn't you come with me? What if I pass out in the shower or I may fall asleep and never wake up," I tell her as I take my jeans off and enter the bathroom.

I hear some curse words before she is inside the bathroom. I was filling the tub so I could have a relaxing bath because my body was starting to hurt. All the exhaustion from the race combined with the accident is hitting me all at once. She was lucky I kept the boxers on because I was tempted to take them off.

"Did you talk to Ava?" She asks after a few seconds of silence and I nod.

"Yeah, she admitted to everything, the money, the ring, and the letter. But never told me what it said specifically. Will I find out now?" I asked curiously and her expression made it known that it was a no.

"Don't go digging up the past, there is no need to revive it," Sky says indifferently and I just shrug.

"I have a deep need to revive it, don't you?" I ask as I put my arm out, seeing it drip water on the floor.

"Don't do that. Just- Let the past stay in the past," she asks as I feel the tension in the air and I nod.

"Whatever you say is the law, so who am I to contradict it?" I am frustrated, to say the least, and she is sitting on a fucking toilet, 2 meters away from me, I feel like we are maintaining the safe distance needed with COVID.

Broken ✞  Max Verstappen x OC x George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now