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♬ And I wouldn't marry me either
A pathological people pleaser
Who only wanted you to see her ♬

Skylar Abbott POV

I knew what I was doing when I said yes to Victoria's invite to the party; everything else was carefully planned and picked: my dress, the way I did my hair, the perfume I wore. It was all chosen with time. But for what? I have no idea what my end goal was, but here I am doing something I didn't plan on. I'm playing with fire with the hope of getting burned.

I am hitting on a very clearly Dutch guy, and Max is watching from afar as I expected he would. But will he actually do anything? Don't blame me for playing games; it took us some months to get together, precisely due to the way we would flirt, which is through these damn games.

"So, are you here alone? Came to watch the grand prix too?" He asks excitedly, and I nod.

"I did! Did you come here to watch it, too?" I ask curiously, and he nods.

"The Dutch Grand Prix was sold out, so I had to come here instead; I don't regret it now, though. Are you here alone?" He asks as he tries to lean closer, and I shake my head with an innocent smile.

"No, that wouldn't be smart. I'm here with some friends," I point to the group of guys in the more secluded part of the club; Max's eyes never budged; his sight was set on us. The guy turned to look at them and almost fell off the stool.

"But- That's-" he interrupts himself as he mumbled.

"Oh, he won, yes. We are celebrating the win in his home race," I comment nonchalantly as I take another sip; this is fun.

"That's Max Verstappen. You know him?" He is still in shock, which makes me chuckle.

"Oh, yeah. We are friends, he is my ex-boyfriend too so I wouldn't take it personally," I warn him.

"Take what personally?" He asks scaredly.

"Whatever he is about to say," I whisper as the glass touches my lip, and he turns to see Max very close to us now.

"They want to make a toast, the champagne is coming. Are you too busy for that?" He asks as he looks at the man sitting in front of me up and down, not even trying to disguise it.

"I don't think so; I can just come back later with my champagne glass," I say as I step down from the stool.

"How about you don't come back?" He is a bit smug when asking it so I laughed.

"Do you have anything to offer me to convince me of not coming back? I have a thing for Dutch guys, so I am thinking of coming back after the free alcohol," I shrug as I  walk in front of him and kiss the guy's cheek. I don't remember his name, but he is cute, so it's good enough to tease Max. "I will see you soon."

"She is not coming back. Sorry, mate," Max says as his arm wraps around my waist, and he stops me midway to where everyone is.

"What?" I ask, an innocent smile appearing, and he nods angrily.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" Playing dumb will only make him angrier.

"Flirting with that asshole. If you want to make me jealous, you got it. Don't go back," he asks, and I gulp nervously. This was fast.

"I'm glad. I will see about your request," I say before I quickly approach the group and the champagne quickly arrives.

Max and a bottle of champagne would never be a good idea but he gently put me behind him before opening it and spraying almost half of his friends with it. I can assure you he did it on purpose.

"Here," he says as he gives me my glass and I nod in appreciation.

"Thank you."

"Don't go back," he asks as he leans closer, too close for my self-control.

"Maybe I won't. You can keep me busy, and you are Dutch," I shrug it off, and he laughs, leaning his head back.

"You hated anything Dutch before you met me. You said you would prefer to date a Saudi Arabian prince before dating someone Dutch," he says between his laugh, and I punch his arm.

"Shut up! I was being stubborn and exaggerating," I say as I sit down on one of the couches, and I see Charles's sneaky smile as he signals people to leave us alone.

"I missed you. Seeing you at the garage with my family, it all felt so familiar. Thank you for that and for being here; it means a lot," he confesses a few minutes later once we are alone, the music being our background noise.

"I missed you too; I'm sorry for taking this long to tell you the truth; it took me some deep thoughts to finally stop blaming someone for what went down. It was a lot of mishandling and nonexistent communication but I still loved every moment we had, I don't want it to be tarnished by what was going on behind the scenes and towards our end," I look at him and I see his smile.

"That wasn't our end; we have a lot to give to each other. We both made mistakes, but I still want you. I love you, Sky; I can't just ignore it. Choose me or don't. You are the one for me, I won't give up this easily. I wanted to believe you didn't love it, that it was some sick game because no one could leave this easily. But things have changed, and I know more now. I know it wasn't easy, and I know you loved me. And I sure hope you still do, so I will wait for you to want me too, and I will be waiting for that moment."

His words surprised me; Max is not the speech type of guy. What if I still love him? What if I never stopped? Would it be that bad to try again? Because right now, all I want is to kiss him. I think of all the chances we had during these months and all the times I ran away. Why is it different now? Is it because all the cards are on the table?

"What if I want you now? What if I love you too?" I ask nervously and wait for his reaction. Give me something good, Max—something to hold on to.

Broken ✞  Max Verstappen x OC x George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now