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♪ 'Cause I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I was having lunch with my mom and sister and I knew they talked to Skylar, I could see it in their face. They said they wouldn't but they disappeared before I finished talking to Christian when the season ended. They are now avoiding eye contact with me and only look at each other.

"Just spill it out." I blurt out as my patience for this subject was disappearing by the second.

"What are you talking about?" My mom asks pretending to be confused and I roll my eyes.

"I love you mom, don't make me insult one of you," I say as I look at Sophie.

"We wish we had something to say but we don't, I'm sorry. I loved that girl, I wanted to see if there may be a reason good enough. I could convince myself I hate her for a year after she broke your heart but seeing her this tiny and different, I can't hate her. I wanted her to either tell me she got tired and I could hate her. But she said nothing." My mom says as tears were close to coming out and I look down.

"So, nothing was said? She ignored you?" I ask suspiciously.

"She seemed to be as frustrated as us, especially when we told her she just ran away while you slept with no justification for her actions. She tried to imply you knew why she left. Are you sure you didn't argue and you forgot it because you were too drunk? You were pretty wasted at the party," Victoria asks and I shake my head.

"She left me without even a goodbye and I am the liar? I remember every single detail. She had her hair in a high ponytail, her hair elastic or whatever was black, her dress was a dark blue that combined perfectly with Red Bull's color, her lipstick was a nude dark brown color, her high heels were black, and they were in our room when we entered the hotel room. She helped me get into bed, took her makeup off, and lay in bed with me. She played with my hair; I told her I loved her when I felt I was falling asleep. She told me she loved me back and kissed my forehead. Is it clear enough for you?"

I felt the pain as I said those words, as I remembered that night for the thousandth time since it happened. She destroyed everything we had built. She destroyed any romantic feeling I could have towards someone. How could she do this to me?

"I'm sorry. You never talked about that night, I thought maybe it was a foggy night for you. That was a lot more emotion than what you've been showing for a year. Do you still love her?" Mom asks and silence is heavy in the hair.

"I hate her. She destroyed it all. She treated me like I was trash, I didn't even deserve a conversation. She killed every feeling I had. Congratulate her when you see her. She is dead to me because that's exactly what she clearly wanted. Are we understood?" I ask as I see them both nodding.

"I still don't think you are dealing with this in a healthy way. You two should talk for a bit of closure. There are too many misunderstandings that could be worked out. I am not even saying you should be together, but neither you nor her seem to be doing well with the situation as it is," Victoria says worriedly, and I nod.

"I will work this out in my own way. Just don't talk about her unless I do first, this only bothers me and I already gave her too much of my time."

They agreed with my words, so the conversation changed. I opened my phone to find various media outlets rumoring about her presence on the paddock and what her return to DTS might mean, she followed Red Bull around when she was with me so they were rumoring she might be dating a driver of Mercedes because she was pretty focused on him during the practice session. Of course, it was George the new rumored boyfriend.

I remember the guys telling me George might have a crush on her, I never took it seriously, I thought it was an inside joke until now. I headed to the garage for the qualifying session and there they were. They both saw the angle the cameras were set up on and then backed off.

"I like it. I'm pretty good-looking there. You might be helping my self-esteem," he says as she smiles down at her, and she shakes her head.

"You already seem to have your confidence in the sky; you don't need my help," she says as she takes another look into the camera before nodding to her colleague in acceptance.

"Put this on please," George takes his hat off and puts it on her, who then takes it off and gives him a little push.

"I am not a Mercedes fan. Sorry," she says. Outraged, George puts his hand to his heart as he pretends to be hurt by her words.

"Are you still a Red Bull fan?" He asks curiously, and she stops for a few seconds.

"I'm not rooting for any team this year, I am only here for work," she retorts back as she tries to give him the hat, but he shakes his head.

"You should work with that hat on before you get sunburned, and I have to go, it's yours now. Deal with it," he says before he runs into the garage. She looked at the hat and took a deep breath.

"Max! Can you come here please?" Someone yells, making her look toward the scream; and for the first time, our eyes meet.

"I'm going!" I answer as I give her a last look before turning my back to her and entering the garage. She will get the message.

I just wish my fucking system would get the message, I wish I felt nothing for her. I wish I could stop hating her. But I could only resent her for the pain she caused. She turned the best day of my life into the worst, it was the last day I've felt her, the last day I've kissed her, the last day I've loved her and I don't even know if she ever loved me back. Was this all a twisted game on her part?

Why would she do all of this for a few thousand euros? That still bugs my mind. But nothing made sense since the moment I woke up. And I don't know if closure would close anything.

Broken ✞  Max Verstappen x OC x George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now