• 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 •

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"The body of local lost boy, Will Byers, was found in a quarry by state trooper David O'Bannon just after dark last night, one of many locals on a search team scouring the woods surrounding Hawkins. Police are yet to release details-"

The baked beans and toast sitting in Jenny's stomach seemed to churn violently as the TV reported the news. Lennon and Ronnie's eyes were glued to the television.

"Poor Jonathan... Poor Joyce..." Helen whispered, solemnly. Something clattered around on the floor as she walked past the fridge. Helen huffed and picked up a bunch of letter fridge magnets that had some how ended up on the floor.
"Really boys?" She stuck them back on the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. As she left, a few of the magnets fell back onto the floor.

"I wonder what's gonna happen at school," Ronnie spoke up when their mother was out of range.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Jenny asked. He looked almost guilty.

"Well, it's just that, most people hardly paid any attention to him. Are people suddenly gonna pretend to care?" Jenny went to defend Will before she stopped herself. He'd just described how her school felt about Barb, how she had felt about Barb. She could feel the bile climbing its way back out of her stomach as she continued to sit there in second-hand guilt. The thought that maybe Barb was actually missing too, that maybe her body would soon turn up like Will's...

"I don't want any of you alone outside anymore, okay?" Fred told the children, breaking their gaze on the TV by standing in front of it. "You need to be with someone at all times, and your mother and I need to know where you should be."

The twins started to complain, pointing out various things such as riding to their friends' houses or going to their treehouse in the woods, all of which were shut down.

"I keep finding dead animals in these woods around here. I don't wanna end up finding you too! Especially after that young boy Will. His mother is distraught, I never want to have to see your mother that way."

Jenny excused herself and made her way to the phone. She couldn't stand the discussion, but she knew someone who would be having an even harder time than her keeping his breakfast down.

"Hello? Claudia Henderson speaking."

"Hey, Auntie Claudia, it's Jenny. I was wondering if Dustin was okay to talk?"

"Oh dear, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you, I'll go get him."

Jenny heard Dustin's footsteps and fumbling with the phone before he answered.

"Hello?!" He sounded slightly frantic.

"Hey Dusty, it's me, I just saw the news. Are you... doing okay?"

"Oh, it's just you–" Ouch. Jenny thought. "–Ummm yeah, yeah fine... Actually going over to Mike's today for a... group... mourning..."

He sounded unsure about his own statement. Jenny was slightly puzzled but didn't want to question her cousin's way of dealing with the death of his best friend.

"That sounds... Healing?"

"Yup, it is. Hey thank you so much for calling but I should really get going now. Got lots of uh... Memories to think back over."

"Oh right, yes, okay well I lo-"

"Love you too! Bye!" The line went dead before Jenny even got a chance to reply.

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