• 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎 •

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Jenny woke shivering, Autumn was already proving to be setting up for a cold Winter. She turned on her side, pulling her arms in closer in hopes of keeping the warmth close to her.

She relaxed when an arm pulled her into their chest. She exhaled as the shivering finally stopped, content with her place with him.

"Morning sunshine," He said, his voice deeper than usual from lack of use. "Hey..." They said again when she didn't reply, moving her bonnet that had slid down her eyes. She squinted and rubbed her eyes before replying.

"Morning Tim."

Her mouth was super dry, and she opened and closed it trying to get some saliva on her tongue. Tim laughed.

"Yknow it's been what, ten months? And I still struggle with the fact that you're a pothead. Miss Jenny Dean, country club princess."

Jenny groaned, "Yeah well not all of us are dumb. Besides, I use it medicinally. It helps me."

Tim laughed again, "Bullshit, Dean. That's what they all say, you little preschool junkie"

"No, I'm serious!" Jenny protested, pushing herself up on his chest so she was looking down on him. "It calms the thoughts in my head so I can focus better."

He rolled his eyes with a smile before agreeing, "Okay, okay... Clearly, it isn't helping much with your bad memory though..."

"What? My grades have been better than ever recently! I've remembered to study for every test-"

"It's 11am and you have a date with the Harrington's at 12," Tim pointed out.


Jenny whacked her hand onto the bedside table and fumbled around for her glasses, before quickly shoving them onto her face. She rushed around Tim's room collecting her clothes and stuffing stuff into her small bag muttering various curses under her breath.

Tim sat in bed chuckling as he watched her run frantically around and nearly fall over trying to get her shoes on.

"Okay. I think that's everything." She went to walk out when he called over to her.

She looked back to see him lying on his back holding a bag of weed above him.

She groaned and stomped back over, snatching it from his hands and kissing him on the cheek, her glasses slipping down to the end of her nose as she leaned down.

"Pleasure doing business with you, doll," Tim said, rubbing his face as she stormed off.

"See you soon!" She called out, already down the hall and reaching for the door handle.

Jenny jumped in her car and tried to keep her foot from slamming the accelerator as she drove home. Her mother was going to kill her. She cursed herself the entire way down Cornwallis and up into their drive, praying she could slip upstairs undetected.

"Jenny! You were supposed to be home over two hours ago!" Helen yelled as Jenny not-so-stealthily walked into the house.

"Sorry!" She called back, rushing to get to the stairs as her mother followed close behind, hoping Helen wasn't armed with a spoon or a sandal.

"Go have a shower! The Harringtons will be here in half an hour!"

Jenny finally took a decent breath as she shut her door. She went over to her wardrobe and pulled open a drawer full of her old toys. Inside she pulled out a Baby Alive bag and stuffed in the weed.

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