• 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 •

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Steve had driven Jenny down the road early Thursday morning, making sure she snuck through the back door okay before bidding her goodbye.

She guessed she wouldn't be seeing him for the first period of the day at least. He didn't just look tired from the night before, he looked emotionally worn. Something about his demeanour just seemed... off. However, Jenny was hardly able to walk without wanting to fall asleep so she had absolutely no will to ask him what was wrong.

Instead, she tiptoed straight upstairs and crashed on her bed. She still had a good hour until her mum would try and wake her up, so at least she could get some extra shut-eye...

"Jenny, it's Dustin do you copy? Over."

Jenny groaned into her pillow before throwing her hand onto her bedside table, feeling around for the walkie. She successfully grabbed it and pulled it close to her face.

"Ya. I copy. But I'd rather not so-"

"Don't you dare turn this thing off! I am in desperate need of your opinion!" He said quickly.

"It's always go go go with you, isn't it? Oh, Jenny do this! Oh, Jenny do that!" She grumbled, which he completely ignored.

"You're studying freshwater ecosystems in biology right now, aren't you?" He asked.

In her tired state, it took her a moment to process what he was asking.

"Uhhhhhhh yeeeaaaah???"

"Well in between swapping saliva with Steve Harrington the other night, did you happen to learn about amphibians and reptiles?"

She grimaced at his description of her and Steve's study session, "One; what is your obsession with this wildly inaccurate idea that Steve and I are a thing, and two; yes. But answer one first!"

Dustin ignored her request and instead continued with his own mission, "Can you please come over before school? I need help figuring out what my discovery is."

She groaned into her pillow before deciding to reply, "Do you remember what last night was? Halloween, that's right, and I am dead after the party so—"

"Please Jenny! It's- it's... It's for Max..." Dustin confessed.

Jenny's expression changed in an instant, "Oh?" She said, her interest piqued, "Go on?"

"No," He said bluntly. "Not 'til you get your lazy ass over here STAT! Over and out!"

The other end went dead making her groan again.

The things she did for her cousin... The last time he requested her help, she ended up being involved in fighting off an armed government agent and a battle to the death with an inter-dimensional monster, so it was safe to say that Jenny did not have high hopes for the outcome of this creature classification session Dustin so desperately needed her for.

Even as she packed her bag and headed toward her car, she questioned how the younger boy had such a hold on her.

Dustin was outside pacing in his driveway when Jenny arrived. His face lit up as she drove up to him, and usually, she would've returned his smile, but she felt as if she was about to topple over, and not even a grin from Dustin's new pearly whites would get her in the mood.

"Before I show you this I need you to confirm that it is my discovery and I deserve all credit," He told her, leading her inside the house to his room.

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