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(present day, just present day alr i'm tired of saying 4 months later 'cause it's just the present day)

Soojin leaned against the side of the door, fighting to keep her eyes open. And I still have to drive home.. she groaned at the thought, knowing that her apartment was thirty minutes away. Maybe she could just.. sleep on this bench over here. She took a glance at the bench outside of her workplace, immediately shaking her head. No, it was too dirty.

Her phone buzzed, and she looked at the caller: Yuqi.

She went to swipe the answer call button but then realized that she was getting a notification from a missed call. Right, my phone was off. What if she had an emergency??

Soojin rang her up again, waiting outside her workplace. But she didn't answer. She's probably fine then, she concluded, walking to her car.

Once Soojin arrived in the parking lot, she knew something was off. Soyeon's car wasn't here. She scoffed, she had told Yuqi not to let Soyeon outside past ten pm! She began to walk to the elevator and pressed on her floor, tapping her foot impatiently. When the elevator opened, she froze.

Firefighters were going in and out of her apartment, some holding clipboards and others fire extinguishers.

"Ma'am, is this your apartment?" Someone asked her. He was dressed in firefighting clothes, looking very official and cleaned up compared to her, stains on her clothes, about to fall apart from working a fourteen hour shift.

"Yes, it is. What happened here?" She thanked her ability to stay calm in tense situations.

"There was a small fire in your kitchen. But don't worry, we put it out."

Soojin bowed to him. "Thank you so much.. but do you know what started the fire?"

"Someone left the stove on," the firefighter replied sympathetically. "It's alright, happens to the best of us."

Soojin bowed again. "Alright, thank you, thank you. What do I owe you?"

"Nothing, ma'am, we're just doing our job. Have a good night." He dipped his head and collected his coworkers to go to the elevator.

Soojin waved them goodbye before walking into her apartment and closing the door. She sighed, opening the door again and walking one door over to knock.

The door almost immediately opened, party music being heard faintly. "Hey, Ms. Seo!" Tzuyu smiled at her, inviting her in.

Soojin shook her head, declining. "Do you perhaps know where Yuqi is?"

"Uhh, with Soyeon? That's all she ever is, in your apartment," Tzuyu laughed, clearly a little tipsy.

Soojin nodded, retreating back to her own place and resting against the counter. I'm okay, I trust Yuqi. She looked at the clock on her phone, watching the time turn to 00:00. Do I really?


Soyeon opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was glass all in her arm and she could feel some in her face. She could also feel someone carefully holding her. She jumped away angrily, yelling. "Who are you??!"

"What's wrong with her?" Someone muttered.

"She's got something going on," someone else whispered.

Soyeon put her hands over her ears, wincing when she could feel the glass shift in her flesh. She closed her eyes too, the flash of ambulance lights too much for her. What happened? How did I get here??

"You've got to go to the hospital," the man that was holding her, dressed in a blue scrub and matching mask, said.

"What?? I-I don't want any surgery!" She yelled at him, hands still over her ears.

"Miss, you won't have surgery, but you're you're very injured," he said calmly, gently grabbing her good arm and leading her into the ambulance.

"No, NO!" Soyeon pulled away, stepping out of the truck. "Y-you're just going to..to.." she was hyperventilating, forgetting the breathing exercises that Soojin had taught her. When people go to the hospital, bad things happen to them. They don't make it out alive from surgeries, or hundreds of needles get injected into them..

"Soyeon-ah!" An out-of-breath voice called.

(A/N: yeah soojin has a car and soyeon has a car but they're broke just go with it it's only a fic 😭😭

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