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(present day)

Yuqi woke up to Soyeon sitting on top of her. She was frowning. The younger sat up, Soyeon sliding into her lap. "You okay, baby?"

Soyeon brought her hand up to her own lips, then pressed her fingers against Yuqi's.

Yuqi smiled. Why does she have to be this cute? She wondered, her smile growing when Soyeon pulled the blanket over them. "We have to hide," Soyeon whispered, her arms slipping around Yuqi's waist.

Before she could ask from what, the apartment's door clicked open.

Yuqi's heart thundered in her chest. The thought that it could be someone robbing them or something was the farthest from her mind. She just hoped that it wasn't Soojin.

The door to Soyeon's room creaked open, and Soyeon cuddled closer to Yuqi.

"Is it you two under that blanket?" Someone asked.

Yuqi pulled the blanket off of her head, relieved to find Tzuyu standing in front of the bed.

"Tzuyu, how'd you get in?" Yuqi asked, pulling the blanket off of Soyeon too.

The Taiwanese twirled a lock pick in her slender hands. "I have my ways." She put it in her pocket, pursing her lips. "Has she come back yet?"

"No," Yuqi murmured. She reached for her phone to check the time, but then remembered. Jeez! Why do I have to be so forgetful all the time? Yuqi wanted to face palm herself for forgetting to pick up her phone that she had dropped to get to Soyeon. I'll have to buy a new one..

Tzuyu seemed to sense her worry, so she spoke up. "How about we go somewhere fun today?"


(8 years ago)

Soojin timidly followed behind her new friend, Soyeon. She could smell a good meal being cooked somewhere, and it was killing her. Grrr. Soojin's stomach growled. She hadn't eaten in two days, and the smell of food made her excited.

After walking down a few more alleys, Soyeon pushed open a wooden door and smiled. "Welcome to my place!"

Soojin looked around the small space, eyes widening in awe. There were thick pieces of cardboard across the roof so that rain wouldn't leak in, and there were two mattresses, each accompanied by a blanket, although dirty, was a luxury.

"Who's this, Jelly?" A man ruffled Soyeon's hair affectionately, turning to Soojin.

Soyeon wouldn't stop smiling. "This is Soojin! She's my friend. Can she live with us?"

A woman who was tending to a fire in the small place tipped her head to listen to the conversation.

The man, Soyeon's father, patted his daughter's shoulder. "I don't think so kiddo." He then turned to Soojin. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

"N-no, sir," Soojin stuttered, bowing a little.


(present day)

Shuhua watched Soojin sleep, gently brushing the hair out of her face while monitoring the way the older woman's breath steadily rose and fell without disturbance. You're so beautiful, Shuhua thinks, tracing her finger against Soojin's jaw, careful not to wake her. Why hasn't anyone loved you? You deserve everything.. Shuhua didn't mind that she hadn't done anything today and yesterday other than lay in bed and talk to Soojin. She'd never known that there were so many things to talk about. I don't think I'll ever run out of things to talk about with you, nor will I ever get tired of hearing your voice.

Shuhua retracted her hand slowly, pulling out her phone. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, and she was about to type: 'how to tell if you've fallen in love'. But she stopped herself, turning her phone off and looking back over at Soojin with a happy sigh.

If I'm even asking that question, I should know the answer.


(present day, one week later)

Shuhua jiggled on the door handle, fear crawling inside of her stomach. "Jin-ah," she called, worried. Today she went to Soojin's job and worked, pretending to be her. But now that she's come back, she has found that Soojin locked herself in Shuhua's room.

She paused, hoping that she'd let her in if she asked nicely. "Soojin.. Could you open the door?"

The door opened, Soojin on the other side. Her eyes were red, her hair a mess, and she smelled awful. Shuhua stood there for a moment, observing the way Soojin held something behind her back like it was a secret.

"Soojin, what's behind your back?"

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