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( present day )

Yuqi knocked excitedly on Miyeon's apartment door.

"Who's there?" She heard Minnie's voice from the other side of the door.

"It's me. Who else would be knocking at eight am?" she laughed.

"Woogs, you don't want to come in here now."

"What do you mean?" Yuqi leaned against the door. "I just want to see if Soyeon's awake. She crashed here last night, right?"

Minnie opened the door and let Yuqi in, leading her to the kitchen table. The older let out a quiet sigh. "She ran away in the middle of the night."


( 2 years ago )

5... 4... 3... Soyeon ran across the street excitedly, doing a little twirl as she spun to a stop at the other side of the cross walk. She turned back around, seeing her parents huddled on the side she wasn't on, looking up at the red light with narrowed eyes.

"Come on!" She called across to them. Even though the light was red and they'd technically be breaking the rules if they crossed now, there were no cars in sight.

Her father shook his head and laughed, limping across the street with the help of her mom. On the way here, he had tripped over something and injured himself badly, but insisted on not ruining the day for his daughter.

A tap on her shoulder and she turned around again, a bigger smile playing on her lips. "Soojin!"

"Hey," she smiled back, "Happy birthday." She reached her hand up, about to ruffle Soyeon's messy hair. Until her face paled, mouth open in a silent scream.

Soyeon looked back, confused.

She wished she didn't.

A car, going faster than it was supposed to, haphazardly hurled around the corner, crashing into her parents faster than she was able to process the situation. Soyeon and Soojin stood, frozen as they watched the cars behind them stop, some people getting out. Before very long, a ring of sirens sounded nearby and Soyeon could feel Soojin tugging on her arm.

"Soyeon we- we have to go," She stuttered, voice shaking.

Soyeon wasn't stupid. She knew what would happen if they stayed here much longer. But, as Soojin helped her run away from the scene, her mind replayed the moment over and over again when she watched the life drain from her parents eyes.


( present day )

Soyeon stretched, feeling bright and refreshed. Weirdly enough, it was more relaxing for her to fall asleep outside, on a cold, dirty bench with only her hoodie as a blanket and the sound of crickets all around, than it was to be inside of an apartment, cuddled up in Yuqi's arms and warmth surrounding her. She felt better than she had last night, or, in a few days actually.

She'd dreamt of her parents, living with them in a mansion bigger than she'd ever thought houses to be. Soyeon exhaled sharply. She'd enjoyed that dream. A lot.

Standing up, she slipped her hoodie back on and began to walk, looking crazily around each and every corner to make sure no cars were coming each time she scuttled across the street. Eventually, she stopped walking, stumbling into a building. She didn't know where she was, but this place was warmer than outside and though she liked being outside more, the feeling of her toes unfreezing made her sigh in contentment.

"Oh, hey, Soyeon!"

Reeling out of her thoughts, she looked right ahead at someone waving kindly to her. Pausing to remember who it was, she smiled, practically running over and enveloping the person in a hug. "Wait," She pulled away, crossing her arms, "I'm still mad at you!"

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