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(present day)

Yuqi watched Tzuyu angrily storm out of the apartment after making sure that they had made it home safe. She still wouldn't tell Yuqi or Soyeon what had happened at the coffee shop. Yuqi just sighs, turning around to go into Soyeon's room.

No. . .

Yuqi rushed over to the bed where Soyeon was, wrapping strong arms around her. "Shh, it's okay, you're okay," she murmured, the older's sobs filling her ears.

"What did I do wrong? Why won't you tell me?"

Yuqi froze for a moment. "What is it Soyeon? You didn't do anything wrong."

"But Tzuyu's so mad right now," Soyeon cried, "it's because of me isn't it? She's mad that I hugged her in the coffee shop, that's why she didn't let us get our marshmallows."

Yuqi's brow furrowed. Tzuyu wouldn't get mad over something like that.. would she? "Baby, you should take some medicine right now," she murmurs, reaching over to Soyeon's nightstand drawer to get it. But it wasn't there. Did I leave it in the kitchen? She wonders, beginning to stand up before she was pulled right back down onto the bed.

"Don't. I-it's not here anymore," Soyeon says, her face distraught.

"Can you tell me where it is?" The older girl points to the window and Yuqi's heart sinks. "Soyeon, we talked about this—"

"I know, alright? Maybe you should take one of those and see how it feels," Soyeon says harshly, tears stopping as she grabbed Yuqi's arm and pushed it off of herself.

"They're just to help you get—"

"I don't need help. Okay? Do you understand me?" Soyeon's eyes are angry. "Gosh, sometimes it's like I'm speaking a completely different language to you!"

Yuqi's throat tightens. "If you don't need help then why am I here?"

Soyeon scoffs. "I don't know, you say that you love me!"

"Of course I love you!" Yuqi's voice raises unintentionally.

"Then why are you yelling at me?!"

"You're yelling back!"

"You're right." Soyeon brings her voice back to normal, fists clenched.

"Right about what?"

"You're no good for me. You said it yourself. Y-you put cuts all over my body, you rape me, you yell at me, you force me to do things I don't want to do. Why don't you just leave? I didn't ask for you to show up, you just did."

Yuqi takes a step back, shaking her head. She needs to find Soyeon's medicine. But somewhere inside she knows that this isn't anything inside Soyeon's mind that's speaking for her. It's.. this is on her own.. Fuck, I messed up somewhere didn't I?

"Baby.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled, and about your medici—"

"I think I should break up with you."


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