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( A/N: yk.. i realized that this story doesn't have any men💀 also... ahhhhhh don't go back to chapter one my writing is terrible.. i love how i've improved since then tho. thanks y'all for reading this random rollercoaster of a story💙 (dw it's not the end, just a thank you) imma not leave this chap in a cliffhanger just for some peace, alr? :> )

( yesterday )

Soojin snuck out of her office, relief washing over her when she found that nobody was following her. She rushed into the bathroom and locked herself in, reaching inside of her purse for the precious liquid that she's been craving lately. She lightly hit the tip of the bottle cap against the counter, a small smile forming on her lips when it popped open easily.

She brought it to her lips, the strong drink wetting her dry throat as it seemed to burn through her. Soojin began to chug the drink, not worrying now about how much another would cost, she just needed this now. The taste wasn't all that, but it satisfied her and tingled her insides in ways that things like happiness couldn't.

She harshly pulled the bottle away from herself, a startled cry leaving her once she noticed that the whole thing was gone and she didn't have a spare. Then a thought suddenly hit her. She had to drive back home. It doesn't matter, I also have to go to the store to buy more anyway. I'll be fine, I always drive safe. And with that, she stuffed it back inside her purse and unlocked the bathroom door to continue with work.


"Sleeping on the job? What is this, a kindergarten??" Her boss hovered over her where she had previously passed out with her upper body splayed out on her desk.

"Oh- uhm- no?" Soojin managed to slur, the room around her spinning. And there was this buzzing somewhere around. That was annoying.

"This is the third time, Seo. I gave you three damn chances."

While Soojin was trying to think of a decent reply, bile rose in her throat and she hurled everything she had chugged down earlier, along with bits of the breakfast Shuhua had made her. All in front of her boss. Some had splattered onto her boss's shoes and pants, and the rest had landed on the recently mopped floors.

"I-I'm sooooooo sorry," she drew out, wiping her mouth unceremoniously on the sleeve of her shirt.

"You're cut. I don't ever want to see you here again."


( present day )

Shuhua paced the apartment. Soojin hadn't come back from work last night and she hasn't answered any of her calls. Yuqi hadn't come home either, leaving her all alone. And whose genius idea was it to watch a scary movie all by herself, thinking Soojin would be back soon to cuddle her?

Shuhua groaned. Looking behind herself every two seconds was getting old, but she was too scared to stop, even though she knew she was safe right now.

When is she coming back? She wondered, looking at the time. It was almost six o'clock at night. Shuhua took a deep breath and sat down on the couch, pulling a blanket over her head and trying to fall asleep.


( present day )

Jihyo woke up to screaming beside her. Like real, horror movie you're-about-to-die kind of screams. She jolted into an upright position, her heart hammering in her chest at the sight of Soyeon writhing in her sleep, panting and screaming.

"Soyeon," Jihyo put her hands against her shoulder and hip, trying to still her, "SOYEON!!"

Soyeon flinched away from her, startled awake. Her breathing was heavy, and she looked at Jihyo like she didn't know her. It unsettled Jihyo. "Wh-where am I??"

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