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(present day)

Yuqi breathed a happy sigh, watching Soyeon hop over cracks in the sidewalk while holding onto Tzuyu's hand. She was walking behind the two, making sure that her friends were safe. They had just come back from the zoo, petting and taking pictures with all the animals that Soyeon likes. The three of them had been together in Soojin's apartment for a week, since, still, Soojin hadn't come back and Tzuyu had stayed around to make sure they were both alright.

"Can we go there?" Soyeon asked, stopping abruptly to turn around to look at Yuqi.

Yuqi, having almost crashed into Soyeon, raised an eyebrow. She followed where Soyeon's finger was pointing to a coffee shop.

"I'll pay," Tzuyu murmured, turning around to face Yuqi as well.

"Then let's go," she smiled, coming forward to wrap an arm around both of their shoulders, giving Tzuyu a thankful nuzzle on her cheek.

The trio walked into the coffee shop, Soyeon and Yuqi immediately gushing over the animal shaped marshmallows that the shop offered. Tzuyu looked on at her friends with a chuckle, deciding which drink she should have.

Soyeon excitedly rang the bell with her hand again and again until someone came over to the counter.

"You only have to ring it once," The staff said, annoyed.

"Sorry," Soyeon murmured.

"What was that?"

"I said I'M SORRY!!" Soyeon shouted, taking a step back. Tzuyu brought Soyeon closer to her to calm her down.

"Did you really have to be so rude?" Yuqi asks, searching for any speck of empathy in the worker's eyes.

"She was being annoying," he huffed, rolling his eyes.

Yuqi sighed, shaking her head and telling herself not to worry about it. After she had ordered, she went to sit where Tzuyu and Soyeon had picked a table in the coffee shop. Yuqi kneeled beside Soyeon. "Baby are you okay? That staff was being mean to you.."

"Why? What did I do?" Soyeon asked, brows furrowed.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Yuqi said truthfully, placing a kiss on the corner of the older's lips. Soyeon smiled, pressing a finger against Yuqi's cheek and then giggling at her own actions.

"Did you guys have fun today?" Tzuyu asked, proud of her idea to go to the zoo.

"Yes! I can't wait to show Soojin our pictures of the foxes, she's only ever seen them in books," Soyeon explains, but then her expression changes to one of worry. "Is Soojin going to come back soon?"

"I don't—"

"Of course she will," Tzuyu cuts Yuqi off, "she loves you and Yuqi too much."

"..I don't think she loves Yuqi very much," Soyeon says, looking at the table, her expression unreadable.

Why is our order taking so long? Tzuyu wonders, leaving the heavy conversation to Yuqi as she stands up and makes her way over to the counter. She rings the bell once, smiling at the staff even when he gives her an unwelcome glare. "Hello, um, my friends and I placed an order about fifteen minutes ago?"

The staff scoffed. "What, do they not serve coffees in China anymore?"

Tzuyu's eyes darkened. "What does that have to do with—"

"Just get lost," the worker muttered, turning away from her.

She walks calmly back to their table. "We should go now."

"What about my marshmallows?" Soyeon pouts.

Yuqi gives Tzuyu a questioning look as she takes Soyeon's hand to lead her out. She had never seen her best friend so pissed off.


(present day)

Shuhua flipped Soojin around and snatched the item from behind her back. She swallowed past a lump in her throat as she gazed at the empty bottle of alcohol. "Soojin—"

"I know, I know, I-I'm not supposed to do that," Soojin muttered, leaning forward against Shuhua. "I just couldn't help it.."

Shuhua set the bottle down on the ground, wrapping her arms around her. She rubbed the older's back slowly. "You should go back."

"What about you?"

"I.. I'll be okay." No, she wouldn't be. She loves Soojin.

"Come with me."

"What? No, I.. I shouldn't. That's your family."

"You're my family too," Soojin whispers against Shuhua's ear, holding her tight.

Cold hands gripped Shuhua's heart. "Jin-ah.. you've just met me," she said, even though her heart wanted to follow Soojin wherever she went.

"But you're.."

"I'm what? Remember, I'm.. I'm just a one-night stand to you."

Soojin tilted her head to kiss Shuhua softly, taking her time in pressing her lips against the younger's. She pulls away, pressing their foreheads together. "You're so wrong. Shuhua.. you're much more to me than a one night stand. I've told you things about myself that I've never told anyone. At least to me, that.. that's a big deal." She pulled away just slightly to look at her face. "Shuhua.. are you crying?"

"I really want to come with you," Shuhua murmured, a small smile resting on her face. The words, I love you were at the tip of her tongue, but she decided that now just wasn't the right time. She didn't care anyway, she just wanted to make sure that Soojin would be okay going back.

"Let's go now, I should see her. Who knows if-if Yuqi got her into another accident again.."

"No, no," Shuhua chuckled, leading Soojin to the bed. "Let's wait until you sober up."


(two weeks or so ago, the night they were at the hospital)

Yujin pushed Jihyo to the ground, scoffing when she let out a small yelp of pain. "Chill out, it didn't hurt that much."

"This is fucking pavement, Yujin," Jihyo growls, standing up and dusting herself off.

"You owe me."

"I don't owe anything! You were trying to scam those poor people."

"So? The receptionist job doesn't pay much."

Jihyo rubbed her forehead in annoyance. "I want nothing to do with you." Being a hospital's receptionist is probably on the list of most high paying jobs. She knows that Yujin is just very greedy for money. Not wanting to argue, she walked away, also knowing that Yujin doesn't have the guts to follow her and argue further.

She could hear faint music playing, and it soothed her, the calm streets of Korea. She began to wonder if Soyeon had gotten home safe. I shouldn't care this much, she's just a patient, like any other. But Jihyo couldn't ignore the faint blush dusting her cheeks when she thought of Soyeon again.

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