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(present day)

"What do you mean what? You heard me."

Yuqi stood in the middle of Soyeon's room, frozen. "But.. Soyeon... don't like me too don't you?"

Soyeon looked at her calmly. "Of course I like you, but did you not understand what I just said?"

"I-I understood, but if we're not together anymore, do you still want me around?"

"What? Who said we aren't together anymore?"

To say Yuqi was a little annoyed would be an understatement. She scoffed lightly. "Uh, you?"

Soyeon furrowed her brows. "I never said that, I said we should take a break!"

"A break from what?"

"Just a break from each other. We're always together, so we're bound to argue sometime, and that time just happened to be now..." Soyeon looked at the ground as her cheeks began to redden. "I don't want to argue with you."

Yuqi sighed in relief, feeling her upcoming heart attack fade away. "Alright. My place is a mess though."

"I'm going to Tzuyu's house, you can stay here," Soyeon said, walking past Yuqi to the front door before she could have time to tell her no.

"Do you even know where Tzuyu's house is??" Yuqi questioned, holding Soyeon back by the arm.

"I'll figure it out," she responded, trying to shake Yuqi's grip.

"Baby, you need your shoes," Yuqi gently reminded her, slipping one on and tying it for her.

"I can't believe you thought I wanted to break up.. what would I do without you?" Soyeon muttered, assuming that Yuqi hadn't heard her.

But she did.


(present day, an hour after soyeon left)

The door swung open, and she was met with the tantalizing smell of lasagna. She turned her head to the kitchen and saw someone that she hadn't seen in a while. It was only a week or two, but she had to admit that she had missed her.

Before she could even process who was standing at the door now, Yuqi was wrapped into a warm hug.

"S-Soojin?" Yuqi choked out, Soojin almost squeezing the life out of her.

"I'm sorry I hit you, Yuqi-yah, I love you, alright? So much. If I didn't, I wouldn't have trusted you to care for Soyeon all this time..."

Yuqi slowly raised her arms to hug Soojin back, closing her eyes and leaning into her unnie while she couldn't help but mutter, "I missed you too." She had really missed Soojin. Making sure Soyeon is okay and doing all the chores as well as cooking dinner is really difficult. And Yuqi doesn't have a job, so she had to rely on Tzuyu to help her buy groceries and all the things that Soyeon wanted to do outside that cost money.

Though their reunion was sweet, Yuqi could feel an unfamiliar presence hovering near them, and it only furthered her theory when she started to hear someone checking on the lasagna that she was making. Yuqi broke the hug, narrowing her eyes at the stranger.

"That's Shuhua," Soojin said.

"Sorry I was just making sure your food didn't burn. Soojin told me that one time you.." The girl, Shuhua apparently, pursed her lips, shutting up once she saw Soojin shaking her head at her.

"So, who are you? I know your name, but.." Yuqi could feel that Soojin had a strong connection to this girl considering she knew of that story that Yuqi had begged Soojin not to tell anyone.

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