Chapter One - Stefanie Salvatore

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Present day

Atlanta, GA

Sorry, Dad! No, I haven't been avoiding your video calls, my camera's still broken. No, I haven't got around to fixing it yet, and, yes, I know it's been weeks. I've just been busy since graduation. I've got myself a great new career in...

Stef gritted her teeth as the yelling behind her became louder. Her thumbs hovered over the keypad, her word-finding ability lost. How was she supposed to text her dad a string of excuses, playing a ridiculously wholesome version of herself, with this kind of commotion? She looked over her shoulder, glaring at the men on the other side of the bar.

A small crowd formed around the pool table where two men were fighting over the cue. The smaller one, Handsy, was furiously pulling at the cue while grunting like an angry Chihuahua playing tug-of-war against a Rottweiler. A slightly older man was trying to part them. Given their physical similarities, he was likely an overburdened brother, and clearly on fraternal autopilot when it came to giving a shit. Two more had committed themselves to being spectators, crossing their arms and shaking their heads like they had warned Big Bro that this would happen. A more ambitious young man, possibly new to the friendship group given his inability to read the room, was about as successful at getting Handsy to release the cue as he was at keeping his overgrown hair out of his own eyes.

Pity. It seemed Handsy's friends were now involved, delaying the inevitable and giving her a headache. Mildly disgruntled, Stef turned back to her phone and tried to concentrate. What to call her current employment? Its name, Salty Jack's, didn't exactly scream 'Fortune 500' and there was no way of squeezing 'top executive' out of 'bartender'. She didn't want to lie to her dad, she just needed to be more vague. Finally, she typed out a word.


I know you're worried about me living in the city now that I'm back from Oxford, but you don't have to be. I'm completely safe. I'm taking your advice and staying away from men, bars and alcohol...

Sensing the wooden stool beside her being lifted up, Stef reached out and took her glass of bourbon away from the target range. She gulped it back just as the stool slammed downwards onto the counter, one of the legs splintering off into two pieces.

...and I've definitely been staying away from vampires...

"Damn it, Stef!" Phoenix yelled, appearing from the backroom. "Did you compel him?"

"He got too handsy with me," Stef retorted, placing her glass down.

...anyway, give my love to Mom, I'll call soon...

Phoenix ran out from behind the bar towards the man who was screaming as he blooded his own hand---and the pool table---with repeated blows from the leg of the stool. The friends stood by uselessly, looking like they might vomit out the entire contents of tomorrow's hangover. Big Bro's hands shook as he fumbled with his phone, which Phoenix promptly snatched from him before striding over to Lil' Bro and grabbing his hand mid-strike. Handsy howled torturously, pressing all his weight against the immoveable force like his life depended on winning this arm wrestle against a battle tank disguised as a slim, dirty-blond male.

Despite the distraction, Phoenix didn't miss the trilling vocals coming from his opposite hand. He glanced at the name across the phone screen.

"You called 'Momma Bear'?" He shot a disappointed look at Big Bro who stood wide-eyed and frozen, wondering whether the crime of being over-coddled came with a beating. Phoenix tutted as he placed the phone to his ear and spoke calmly. "Hello 'Momma Bear', I'm calling from Salty Jack's. Your son is in the hospital. He's just had a harsh lesson on consent."

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