Chapter Thirteen - Raid Vaziri

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Present day

Outskirts of Albemarle, NC

Pulling off the main road and onto a wide gritted driveway, Raid expected to see a huge structure hidden beyond the trees. He soon realized that was not the case as the car parked up near a small house with grey slatted cladding, white sash windows, a deep porch supported by six white beams, and a steep gable roof. Darkness had fallen and the trees were casting shadows over the house, but it still didn't look like it could have more than two bedrooms. The idea of bunking up with the boys didn't appeal to him. Hell, the idea of bunking up with Adam especially didn't appeal to him. They hadn't shared a room since they were kids, after Raid's father left and he and his mother had to live with Adam's family for six months. Living in close quarters they were as different as night and day, which was very nearly literal, considering Raid was a night owl and Adam was an early riser. He wondered how long they'd have to stay there.

"This is... erm, cosy," he commented as he got out of the car.

Phoenix pulled a couple of large duffel bags from the trunk, then put a hand on Raid's shoulder and pointed to the floor above the porch. "That's only the weapons room up there."

"It's spelled to look smaller than it is," Stef explained, "and it's warded from witches."

"Great," Adam said dryly, moving swiftly towards the entrance. "Let's just get in and start unscrambling my brain." Phoenix jogged up behind him, taking out the keys and opening the door.

As soon as the others had entered, Raid took Stef by the hand, bringing her to a stop on the porch. He actually didn't mean to take her hand---he was going for her wrist---and he certainly didn't mean to instinctively curl his fingers between hers. Out from the car, away from the insane day he'd just had, this was his first opportunity to really see her. From the curious but patient expression on her face, her brown eyes flickering over his features, it seemed she felt the same way.  She appeared exactly how he'd left her. Same intimate, upward gaze that made him weak at the knees. Same warm, smooth skin he'd always wanted to run his fingers over. Taking a step closer to her, he could smell the same jasmine and orange blossom perfume on her long, chocolate-coloured hair.

But there was something different about Stef that was driving Raid crazy. She still looked eighteen and yet she held herself beyond her years. She was firm, not letting her guard down, even around him. She knew she had upset him by compelling him to leave, and she was protecting herself, waiting for the repercussions. Though what repercussions was she expecting? Did she expect him to argue with her, to say he'd never forgive her, that he never wants to see her again? If it were anyone but her, maybe that's how he would feel. But he was so fucking excited to remember her---to remember how he felt about her---that the only damn repercussions he wanted to give her involved picking her up and taking her into the nearest bedroom.

Then Raid had to remember he couldn't. She'd never found out how he felt about her. Within twenty-four hours of nearly confessing to her how much he loved her, she had compelled him to leave. She had carried on without him, while he had to be made to forget her because he damn well wouldn't have given her up otherwise. And now there's this prophecy that she's going to fall in love with someone from the ritual? Well, it certainly wasn't going to be him, was it? What did he overhear Stef saying to Gabe? "I die, you die"? Meaning Gabe was the vampire who turned her? Of course he was, the suave, elegant bastard, dripping money and protective daddy-figure vibes. Why wouldn't she fall for someone like that?

Actually, fuck it, he did feel like an argument.

"You compelled me to forget you," he said to her accusingly, dropping her hand.

Stef almost seemed to relax, having anticipated this discussion. "I did it to protect you."

"No, that's why you compelled Adam," Raid replied. "Why did you compel me?"

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